Department of English, University of Virginia Doctoral Dissertation Assessment (for internal procedure-assessment purposes) The director and each reader should complete a separate copy of this sheet, by supplying very basic information below and assigning a score—1, 2, or 3—to the right of each section, four sections in all. Field of dissertation: Date of defense: Please circle the term that identifies your role in relation to the dissertation: Director 1st reader 2nd reader (3rd reader) Outside reader
Central arguments and theoretical underpinnings: Grade 1 = Well-defined argument and challenging thesis. Very sound theoretical underpinnings
Central arguments and theoretical underpinnings: Grade 2 = Acceptable argument and thesis. Reasonable theoretical underpinnings
Central arguments and theoretical underpinnings: Grade 3 = Argument, thesis, or theoretical underpinning badly flawed.
Central arguments grade:
Contributions to the field: Grade 1 = Original and important contribution to the relevant sub-field(s)
Contributions to the field: Grade 2 = Sufficient acknowledgement and/or implied awareness of relevant sub-field(s).
Contributions to the field: Grade 3 = Not sufficiently in conversation with relevant sub-field(s)
Contributions to the field grade:
Quality of writing and other elements of execution: Grade 1 = Impressive writing and overall execution
Quality of writing and other elements of execution: Grade 2 = Satisfactory writing and overall execution
Quality of writing and other elements of execution: Grade 3 = Unsatisfactory writing or overall execution