The College of Arts and Sciences has moved their major/minor declaration process online.
To declare your major, take the following steps:
1. Secure the College's form for declaring the major, available through DocuSign here. Students declaring the standard English major should enter Susan Fraiman (, Director of the Undergraduate Program, as the DMC, or Department major contact. Those who have applied and been admitted to a specific concentration within the English major (Mod/Global, Med/Ren, Poetry Writing, Literary Prose Writing) should put the director of that concentration as the DMC and complete the form in keeping with requirements for that particular concentration.
2. Complete the form according to the English major course guidelines, listed here. Courses you've already completed should be listed at the top, followed by those you are currently in and those that remain to be taken. There should be a total of 10 courses in all. For future courses, it's acceptable to list a generic placeholder instead of a specific course, i.e. "ENGL 3000+ Pre-1700 Literature Course" instead of "ENGL 3271 Shakespeare: Histories & Comedies" or “ENGL 3000+ Major Elective” instead of “ENGL 3560 Fiction in the Age of Modernism.”
Please note that all ten courses except for a single ENGL 2000-level MUST be at the 3000+ level. This means you should not list any 1000-level ENWR courses, any 2000-level ENCW courses, or more than one ENGL 2000-level. Do make sure to include ENGL 3001, ENGL 3002, and at least one of the following (more are fine): a course covering pre-1700 materials, a course covering 1700-1900, and a 4000/5000-level seminar.
3. The DUP will approve your form (getting back to you with corrections, if necessary) and assign you to a major advisor. When selecting an advisor, the DUP is happy to consider emailed requests specifying a particular faculty member or area of interest (e.g., modern poetry, gender studies, Shakespeare, teaching).
4. Meet or talk with the DUP or your English faculty advisor to discuss your proposed course of study.
Students declaring the minor should use the same form, there is a check box on the form to indicate that it is a minor declaration instead. The requirements for the English minor are listed here.