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T. Kenny Fountain

Associate Professor, Director of Writing and Rhetoric
Rhetoric of Science (& Pseudoscience), History of Rhetoric, Conspiracy Rhetoric, Visual Rhetoric, Writing in the Disciplines
Office Address/Hours

Bryan Hall 236-B / Mondays, 3:00-4:00pm & Wednesday, 10:00-11:00am

Class Schedule
Thursday 3:30-6:00pm


Ph.D. University of Minnesota
M.A. University of Memphis
B.A. Brewton-Parker College



Edited Volumes:

“Cross-disciplinary & Interdisciplinary Approaches to User Experience and Communication Design,” Conference Proceedings of The 36th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication (SIGDOC '18). Milwaukee, WI, 2018. Co-edited with Elizabeth L. Angeli. (

Selected Articles

“Anatomical Presencing: Visualisation, Model-Making, and Embodied Interaction.” The Routledge Handbook of Language & Science, Eds. David Gruber & Lynda Olman (Routledge, 2019) 227-238.
“What Can History Teach Us About Technical Communication?” Solving Problems in Technical Communication, Eds. Johndan Johnson-Eilola and Stuart A. Selber (University of Chicago Press, 2013) 165-186. Co-authored with Bernadette Longo.
“Anatomy and the Observational-Embodied Look,” Medicine Studies 2.1 (June 2010): 49-69.
“Thou Shalt Not Plagiarize”? Appeals to Textual Authority and Community at Religiously Affiliated and Secular Colleges,” Pluralizing Plagiarism. Eds. Rebecca Moore Howard and Amy Robillard (Heinemann, 2008): 101-123. Co-authored with Lauren Fitzgerald.


Selected Presentations

“Affective Poiesis, Roman-Era Rhetorical Theory, and Contemporary Emotion Science,” America Society for the History of Rhetoric Conference (Austin, TX), February 2019.
Enargeia and the Lurid Details of Fake News.” National Communication Association Annual Convention (Dallas, TX), November 2017.
“Reconciling Tensions: Visual & Verbal Praeteritio in 16th C. Anatomical Texts,” The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Annual Conference (Portland, OR), March 2017.
"From Analogy to Narrative: Trained Visions of Empathy in the Gross Anatomy Lab," International Health Humanities Conference (Denver, CO), April 30-May 2, 2015.
“Toward a Vitalist Material Rhetoric,” The Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference (San Antonio, TX), May 2014.
“Imitation, Declamation, and Civic Responsibility: Reimaging a Classical Foundation for the STC Curriculum.” Panel with Elizabeth Kalbfleish and Jonathan Scott Weedon, The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication Annual Conference (Cincinnati, OH), October 2013.
“Anatomical Witness: Bioart and the Synecdochic Impression,” Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting (Cleveland, OH), November 2011.
“Political Networks: Technical Documents, Government Cover-Up, and Visual Authentication,” The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Annual Conference (Atlanta, GA), April 2011.
“Visual Rhetoric as Witness: Authoring Relations, Arguing with Tissue,” The Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (Atlanta, GA), April 2011. 
“Professional Visions of the Dead: An Ethnography of Medical and Dental Students’ Adjustment to Dissection,” The Annual Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists (Cleveland, OH), July 2009.


Awards and Fellowships

John S. Diekhoff Award for Graduate Teaching, Case Western Reserve University, 2011.
T. Keith Glennan Fellowship, University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education, Case Western Reserve University, 2012–2013.
ACES+ Advance Opportunity Grant, Case Western Reserve University, 2010–2011
Tom Peterson Essay Prize, Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center, 2009.
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2007–2008.