Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism
The Contours of Masculine Desire
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry
Irene Albar. Novela cubana (1885, 1886) por Eusebio Guiteras. Edición facsimilar
Villa E
Cross-Cultural Harlem: Reimagining Race and Place
Byron: A Life in Ten Letters
Poetry and the Built Environment: A Theory of the Flesh of Art
Brian Teare wins William Carlos Williams Award
Professor Brian Teare’s latest book of poetry, Poem Bitten by a Man, has won a William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America.
News & Announcements
December 6, 2023
The Latino Continuum and the Nineteenth-Century Americas: Literature, Translation and Historiography
Carmen Lamas
Stephen Parks
Stephen Parks
T. Kenny Fountain
Debjani Ganguly
Clare Kinney
Alison Booth
Lisa Woolfork
Caroline Rody
David Vander Meulen
David Vander Meulen
Stephen Cushman
Anna Brickhouse
Cynthia Wall
John O'Brien
Friday, January 24th
H. G. Dierdorff (MFA '22) in Coversation with Erika Howsare
- Where: New Dominion Bookshop 404 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22902, United States
- Start time: 07:00pm
- End time: 08:00pm
Wednesday, February 5th
Jesse Ball Reading
- Where: Monroe Hill House 252 McCormick Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22903, United States
- Start time: 05:00pm
- End time: 06:00pm
Friday, February 7th
Marissa Kessenich Dissertation Presentation
- Where: Bryan Hall Faculty Lounge
- Start time: 12:00pm
- End time: 01:00pm
Friday, February 14th
Rachel Retica Dissertation Presentation
- Where: Bryan Hall Faculty Lounge
- Start time: 12:00pm
- End time: 01:00pm
Friday, February 21st
Vallaire Wallace Dissertation Presentation
- Where: Bryan Hall Faculty Lounge
- Start time: 12:00pm
- End time: 01:00pm