Debra Nystrom
Creative Writing
Office Address/Hours
430 Bryan Hall / By appointment
Class Schedule
Wednesdays 2:00-4:30
MFA, Goddard/Warren Wilson, 1980
B.A., University of South Dakota (summa cum laude), 1976
B.A., University of South Dakota (summa cum laude), 1976
Night Sky Frequencies and Selected Poems, Sheep Meadow Press, 2016
Bad River Road, Sarabande Books, 2009
Torn Sky, Sarabande Books, 2003
A Quarter Turn, Sheep Meadow Press, 1991
Recent Publications: Poetry and Nonfiction
Narrative: “Early Cartography” (nonfiction), 2021 - Early Cartography by Debra Nystrom (narrativemagazine.com)
Georgia Review: "My Mother's Gowns" (nonfiction), 2021 - My Mother’s Gowns – The Georgia Review
Five Points, “Twilight Zone” (nonfiction), 2021
NorthWest Review: “Earliest Photograph” (poem), 2020
Agni Review: “Dream of the Subjunctive” (nonfiction), 2020 - Dream of the Subjunctive (bu.edu)
Blackbird: “Haven’t I Been Sweet to You” (nonfiction), 2019
Plume: “Observatory at the Prison” (poem), 2019 - Observatory at the Prison - Plume (plumepoetry.com)
Narrative: “On the Line” (nonfiction), 2018 - On the Line by Debra Nystrom (narrativemagazine.com)
Kenyon Review: “You Didn’t Hear It From Me” (nonfiction), 2018
Conjunctions: “After Three Years, He Said, These Little Trees Will Bear Fruit” (nonfiction), 2018
Previous Publications in Agni Review, American Poetry Review, Blackbird, Boston Review, Crazyhorse, Denver Quarterly, Ecotone, Five Points, Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, The New Yorker, North American Review, Northwest Review, Orion, Ploughshares, Poetry Daily, Prairie Schooner, Quarterly West, Shenandoah, Slate, Southwest Review, The Threepenny Review, TriQuarterly, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Yale Review and elsewhere.
Reviews and Essays (selected)
The Virginia Quarterly Review: “Ecstatic Sorrow: Claudia Emerson’s Impossible Bottle,” 2016 - Ecstatic Sorrow | VQR Online
The Virginia Quarterly Review “Carol Muske-Dukes and the Art of Empathy,” 2015 - Carol Muske-Dukes and the Art of Empathy | VQR Online
Kenyon Review “This is No Dream,” 2012 - This is No Dream | Kenyon Review Online
- More in Time, University of Nebraska Press, 2021
- More Truly and More Strange: 100 Contemporary American Self-Portrait Poems, Persea Press, 2020
- American Birds: A Literary Companion, Library of America, 2020
- Plume Poetry 7, Plume, 2019
- The Golden Shovel: Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks, University of Arkansas Press, 2017
- The Mind of Monticello, University of Virginia Press, 2016
- Good Poems, American Places, Viking, 2012
- The Kingdom of Grass, Center for Western Studies Press, 2011
- Bright Wings, Columbia University Press, 2009
- Best American Poetry of 2007, Scribner, 2008
- When She Named Fire: Contemporary Poetry by Women, Autumn House Press, 2008
- Red, White and Blues: On the Promise of America, University of Iowa Press, 2004
- Strongly Spent: Fifty Years of Shenandoah, Shenandoah,2004
- Common Wealth, University of Virginia Press, 2003
- Birthday Poems, Thunder's Mouth Press, 2002
- Like Thunder: Poets Respond to Violence in America, University of Iowa Press, 2002
- Acquainted With the Night, Columbia University Press, 1999
- More Light, National Writers' Voice Project, Harcourt Brace, 1994
Virginia Commission for the Arts Individual Fellowship, 2021
University of Virginia Arts Research Grants, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2006
Best American Essays 2019, “Notable Essays and Literary Nonfiction of 2018” selection
Keynote Speaker, William and Mary Literary Festival, College of William and Mary, 2019
Narrative “Story of the Week” selection, 2018
UVA Arts Faculty Fellowship, 2017-2018
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Research Fellowship, 2013
The Poetry Foundation’s American Life in Poetry Feature, 2016, 2012, 2005
Virginia Prize for Poetry, 2010
Academy of American Poets Poetry Month Feature, 2009
Writers' Almanac Feature, 2012, 2009 and 2004
Best American Poetry selection, 2008
Virginia Commonwealth University Cabell Memorial Panel, 2008
James Dickey Prize in Poetry, Five Points Magazine, 2007
Virginia Prize for Poetry, 2004
Shepard Visiting Writer, University of Wyoming Conference on Social Justice, 2004
Heart/Borders Poetry Prize, 2002
Lantern Society Award for Women's Education, University of Virginia, 2002
Boatwright Prize for Poetry, Shenandoah, 2000
Virginia Commission for the Arts Individual Fellowship in Poetry, 1997
Boatwright Prize for Poetry, Shenandoah, 1994
Balch Prize for Poetry, Virginia Quarterly Review, 1991
Virginia Commission for the Arts Individual Fellowship in Poetry, 1987
Yaddo Fellowship,1984
Hoyns post-graduate fellowship, University of Virginia, 1982
Aspen Writers Conference, Aspen, CO; Blacksmith House, Cambridge, MA; Bowery Series, New York, NY; Chapters Bookstore, Washington, DC; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA; Council Fires Cultural Center, Sioux Falls, SD; Dactyl Foundation for the Arts and Humanities, New York, NY; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH; Elon University, Elon, NC; Hollins College, Roanoke, VA; James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA; KGB Poetry Series, New York, NY; Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA; New Jersey Public Radio; Penn State Erie, Erie, PA; Quail Ridge Series, Raleigh, NC; Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY; Sweetbriar College, Amherst, VA; University of North Carolina Greensboro, Greensboro, NC; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; Virginia Festival of the Book, Charlottesville, VA; Virginia Public Radio; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC; Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC; Wyoming Public Radio