Kate Kostelnik
Associate Professor, General Faculty, Writing and Rhetoric Program
Office Address/Hours
228 Bryan Hall / Mondays from 3:45-4:45
Ph.D. English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013
M.F.A. Creative Writing, University of Montana, Missoula MT, 2005
B.A. English with an emphasis in Creative Writing, Magna Cum Laude, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, 2001
Academic Publications
Edited Collection: Speaking Back: Student Voices from Writing and Tutoring Across Cultures, a collection of student essays from my course with my “Introduction: Into Communities and Across Disciplines”, under contract with the New City Community Press.
- Book Chapter: “Creative Writing in First-Year Writing: Let’s Remind, or Re-teach, the Value of Fiction” Changing Creative Writing in America, chapter solicited by Graeme Harper, Multilingual Matters Press, September 2017
- Book Chapter: “Writing Center Theory and Practice in the Undergraduate Creative Writing Classroom” Creative Writing Pedagogies for the Twenty-First Century, Tom Hunley and Alex Peary, Eds, Southern Illinois UP, June 2015
- Article: “Innovative Frameworks and Tested Lore for Teaching Fiction to Undergraduates in the Twenty-First Century” Pedagogy 14.3, September 2014
- Handbook: Learning with Multilingual Writers in the UNL Writing Center, with tutors and administrators of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln Writing Center, In-house publication, August 2012
- Book Review: “Does the Workshop Still Work?” by Dianne Donnelly Fiction Writers Review, November 2010
- Interview: “Classroom Connection: Kate Kostelnik on Collaboration, Teaching Writing, and Donna Qualley’s Turns of Thought” (co-authored with Lesley Bartlett) Uncommon Composition: The Best Non-required Reading for Composition Teaching, UNL Composition Department’s in-house publication, December 2010
- Article: “Revisions from Within: the Potential of Ph.Ds. in Creative Writing” Creative Writing: Teaching Theory & Practice, 2.1 (2010): 1-32
- Conference Presentation: “Community-Engaged Teaching and Scholarship: Building Collaborative Relationships Beyond Grounds” with UVA Community Engaged Teaching Scholars, Innovation and Pedagogy Summit, UVA May 3, 2023
- Conference Presentation: “Collaborative Writing in Community Engaged Courses” with Kate Stephenson, CCCCs, Chicago, February 17, 2023
- Conference Presentation: “Teaching with Living Documents” with Hannah Loeb, Experiential Commons Scholar Summit: Community-engaged Pedagogy and Practice, UVA, March 24-26, 2022
- Engaged Teaching Scholar Presentation, “Using Course Reflections to Promote Activism”, UVA Center for Teaching Excellence, October 15, 2021
- Conference Presentation: “Stories We Didn’t Plan to Tell: How to Design Writing Opportunities for Communities and Classrooms to Create and Share Suppressed Narratives”, with Kate Stephenson and Charlotte Matthews, Conference on Community Writing (via zoom), Coalition for Community Writing, October 21, 2021
- Conference Presentation: “Writing in Place: Writing Assignments in Engaged Courses that Inspire Wonder, Curiosity, and Creativity” with Kate Stephenson and Joy Justice (former student), UVA Innovations in Pedagogy Summit (via Zoom), May 13, 2021
- Invited Talk: “Putting Anti-Racist Pedagogies into Practice”, with Andres Jones (Virginia Tech) and Yemi Awoytao (Virginia Tech), UVA’s Writing and Rhetoric department and Virginia Tech’s Rhetoric and Writing (via Zoom), April 16, 2021
- Faculty Learning Community: “Fostering Community Through Forum Posts”, UVA Center for Teaching Excellence (via Zoom), February 26, 2021
- Invited Workshop: “’Where I’m From’ and Derrida”, Writers’ Circle, The Haven Shelter, Charlottesville VA (via Zoom), April 7, 2021
- Conference Presentation: “Relearning the Value of Stories Using Immigration Narratives” Great International Writing Conference, Imperial College, London, July 24, 2020 (cancelled due to covid)
- Conference Presentation: “Access Through Narrative: Writing Across Cultures” Annual Conference on Pedagogy, Practice, and Philosophy, University of Florida Writing Program, Gainesville, FL, February 1, 2020
- Conference Presentation: “Questioning the Purpose(s) of Imaginative Writing and Inviting Students Across the Disciplines to Write Creatively” Creative Writing Studies Organization, Asheville, NC, October 17, 2018
- Conference Presentation: “Curating a Professional Identity for the 21st Century Job Market” with Janelle Adsit and Stephanie Vanderslice, Creative Writing Studies Organization Conference, Asheville, NC, November 12, 2017
- Learning Technology Incubation Presentation: “Using E-Portfolios” with Megan Haury, Patricia Sullivan, and Keith Driver, UVA Writing and Rhetoric Program workshop, September 24, 2017
- Panel Presentation: “Using Student Writing in Class Meetings” with Keith Driver and Devin Donovan, UVA Writing and Rhetoric Program, February 13, 2017
- Panel Presentation: “Advice from the Writing Center” with Kelli Shermeyer, UVA Innovations and Pedagogy Summit, May 4, 2016
- Conference Presentation: “Creative Writing in General Writing Classes: Despite Common Core and Emphasis on STEM Education, Students Want and Need Imaginative Writing” Creative Writing Studies Organization Conference, Asheville, NC, September 24, 2016
- Conference Presentation (moderator/organizer/presenter): “What Our Speech Still Disrupts” with Kate Haake, Max Stewart, and Rebcecca Brown, AWP’s Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA, March 31, 2016
- Panel Presentation: “Deepening Inquiry in ENWR” with Keith Driver and Devin Donovan, UVA Writing and Rhetoric Program, March 25, 2016
- Conference Presentation: “Evolving Perceptions of Online Education: Benefits for Teaching Creative Writing Online”, Innovation in Technology and Pedagogy Symposium, Lincoln, NE, May 4, 2014
- Conference Presentation (moderator/organizer/presenter): “Disciplinarity and Lore: Modeling Compromise and Vital Pedagogies for 21st-Century Classrooms” with Rachel Himmelheber and Claudia Nogueira, AWP’s Annual Conference in Boston, MA, March 20, 2013
- Conference Presentation: “Using Picture Prompts in Creative Writing Classes to Imagine the Lives of Others” Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 14, 2012
- Conference Roundtable: “Working in the In-Between: Negotiating Roles In and Beyond the Writing Center” Midwest Writing Center Association’s Regional Conference, Madison, WI, October 3, 2011
- Conference Roundtable: “Defining and Complicating Texts in the Writing Center” Midwest Writing Center Association’s Regional Conference, Rapid City, SD, October 5, 2009
UVA Community Writing Symposia (organizer): a forum for students from my course “Tutoring and Writing Across Cultures” and other engaged-learning courses offered through the Writing and Rhetoric Program to present their writing projects and community service experiences to Grounds and other engaged learning partners in the Charlottesville Community, December 2, 2018; December 3, 2019; April 23, 2020 (cancelled due to covid); December 2, 2021, December 3, 2022; and April 27, 2023.
- NCTE Offsite Symposia (invited): “Changing Creative Writing in America” organized by Graeme Harper, November 21, 2015
Additional Publications
- “What UVA Students Saw and Wrote”
https://writingteacher.wixsite.com/whatuvastudentssaw18/about June 14, 2018
Short stories:
- "Hunters and Scavengers" New Writing, 14 (2017): 16-22
- “Sovereign of the Sea” Fifth Wednesday, Fall 2011: 68-79
- “Bull Shark” The Superstition Review, December 2009
- “The Dancing School” Hayden’s Ferry Review, 42 (2008): 117-28
- “Certain Girls” Invisible Insurrection, December 2005
- “Cameo” 42 Opus, 4.1 (2004)
Nonfiction Essays
“Distractions Aren’t All Bad” Hayden’s Ferry Review Online, August 8, 2008
"Poem about a Puddle of Coffee" Voices (The publication of the Writers' Circle Group), 1 (2020)
“A Pregnant Fiction Writer” Mom Egg Review, 12 (2014): 4
- Thrive Grant, UVA Center for Teaching Excellence, November 2019
- Finalist for the 2012 Flannery O'Connor Award, for short story collection The Naughty, University of Georgia Press, September 2012
- New Jersey State Arts Council Fellowship, 2007