James (Jeb) Livingood
Assistant Professor, General Faculty
Office Address/Hours
422B Bryan Hall / Book an appointment with J. Livingood ()) or Bryan 422B or by Zoom
Class Schedule
M 12:30-1:45
B.A. University of Virginia, 1982
M.S. American University, 1994
B.A. George Mason University, 1997
M.F.A. University of Virginia, 2000
M.S. National Defense Intelligence College, 2010
M.S. American University, 1994
B.A. George Mason University, 1997
M.F.A. University of Virginia, 2000
M.S. National Defense Intelligence College, 2010
Mr. Livingood has published essays and fiction in Best New American Voices 2001, Yemassee, C-Ville, The Texas Review, and The Hollins Critic. He serves as the faculty advisor for Meridian, the semiannual literary magazine founded and edited by students in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the University of Virginia. He is also a lieutenant commander in the Coast Guard Reserve.
Books Edited
- Best New Poets 2020, edited with Brian Teare, University of Virginia Press, 2020
- Best New Poets 2010, University of Virginia Press, 2010
- Best New Poets 2007, Samovar Press, November 2007.
- Root, Stem, and Branch: Homegrown Terrorism, CIAG, Sept 2007.
- Best New Poets 2006, Samovar Press, November 2006.
- Best New Poets 2005, Samovar Press, November 2005.
- Going to See the Elephant: Pieces of a Writing Life, by George Garrett, Texas Review Press, August 2002
Best New American Voices 2001. Harcourt/Harvest, November 2001.
Stories and Essays
- “To Us,” CreamCity Review, Spring 2004.
- "Motion Sickness," The Texas Review, Fall/Winter 2002.
- "Signal Codes" Chapbook published by White House Coffee Store Press, November 2002.
- "Charles Baxter: Fiction Resisting the Corilineal," The Hollins Critic, October 2000.
- "From the Pilot to the Bombardier: An Anecdote on Literary Fame," The Texas Review, Spring/Summer 2001.
- "Oh Albany, My Love," C-ville, March 21, 2000.
- "Overnight Sensation, 1974," Writer’s Eye, 1999.
- "The Summer Sea," Yemassee, Spring/Summer 1998.
Essays and Other Nonfiction
- “From the Pilot to the Bombardier: An Anecdote on Literary Fame.”
The Texas Review, Spring/Summer 2001. A personal essay on attending one of Joseph Heller’s last public readings. - “The Chronicle of Don García Fernández.” Meridian, Spring 2001. “Lost Classic” feature on a previously unpublished Washington Irving manuscript.
- “Charles Baxter: Fiction Resisting the Corilineal.” The Hollins Critic, December 2000. Feature-length essay on Baxter’s The Feast of Love, prior novels, and fiction collections.
- “Puddle Jumper: An Interview with Charles Baxter.” Meridian, Fall 2001. Interview.
- “Revenge of the Introverts.” Computer Mediated Communication. Vol. 2, No. 4. April, 1995. Essay on emerging methods of Internet communication.
- 2004 Cream City Review Fiction Prize Winner. National competition sponsored by the Cream City Review.
- 2002 A. E. Coppard Prize in Long Fiction. National competition sponsored by White Eagle Coffee Store Press.
- 2000 First Prize, C-Ville Fiction Contest. Annual regional fiction competition with publication in Virginia Festival of the Book edition.
- 1998 Winner, Dan Rudy Fiction Award, George Mason University. Annual short story competition, open to all George Mason graduate and undergraduate students.
- 1997 Winner, Dan Rudy Fiction Award, George Mason University.