Courses Archive
Graduate Course Descriptions Fall 2024
Creative Writing
ENCW 5310-001: Advanced Poetry Writing II - Poets' Memoirs
TR 02:00PM-03:15PM
In this advanced course, we'll explore several published memoirs by contemporary poets, reading them alongside their books of poetry. Through discussion, workshop, writing exercises & other coursework, we'll attempt to imagine our way through several related questions: how do poets approach the forms & possibilities of memoir? How might a "poet's memoir" work within & against the constraints or expectations of autobiographical writing? How does what we think of as a poet's "voice" shift & change when their writing encompasses both verse and prose? And what new connections--among emotions, narratives, mysteries, & astonishments--can we make in our own writing practice, once we witness how poets work across genres? This class will engage a combination of seminar & workshop-style techniques. For a final project, students will compose & revise a group of original poems alongside one or more works of original lyric prose (short essays, memoir, &c). This class is open to graduate & undergraduate students via instructor permission.
To apply: send Professor Kiki Petrosino ( a sample of 4-5 original poems + a cover letter specifying whether you are in any programs or special concentrations for which this course may be needed/required. Please also specify any other creative writing workshops to which you may be applying. Make sure to send an official request for instructor permission on SIS along with any e-mail requests. Enrollment for returning students begins April 8 & will continue until the section is filled. For full consideration, please apply as soon as possible. Confirmation of your spot in the class may arrive in early summer, but hopefully much sooner.
ENCW 7310-001: MFA Poetry Workshop
M 02:00PM-04:30PM
ENCW 7610-001: MFA Fiction Workshop
M 02:00PM-04:30PM
English Literature
ENGL 5559-001: Anne Spencer & the Harlem Renaissance
TR 09:30AM-10:45AM
This discussion-based seminar will focus on the celebrated woman poet Anne Spencer (1882-1975), part of the Harlem Renaissance while living in segregated Lynchburg, Virginia. Spencer’s lasting presence in 30 published poems, a preserved house and garden museum, and the papers at UVA as well as in Lynchburg inspire a planned exhibition in Harrison-Small Library September 2024, along with a slowly expanding body of critical studies. We can advance Spencer studies together in light of reading her work in relation to some other writers she interacted with and our theoretical questions about race, gender, place, environment, and cultural heritage, with some consideration of digital humanities. Our work will include exploring unpublished archives (Special Collections), taking a field trip to the Anne Spencer House and Garden Museum, attending the exhibit and associated events, reading biographies and criticism, practicing skills of reading and interpreting poetry, writing two essays, experimenting with digital tools. The Library hopes to generate support for digitizing images and manuscripts in the UVA collection of many of her papers, as well as examination of her books also archived here. There is no scholarly edition of her works, and our studies will advance scholarship on the evolution of her multi-faceted writing practice (in used notebooks, on walls; prose segueing into poetry and back again).
ENGL 5560: Contemporary Poetry
Jahan Ramazani
MW 3:30-4:45
In this seminar, we will examine an array of postwar idioms, forms, and movements. While devoting much of our attention to some of the most influential poetry from the second half of the twentieth century, we will also bring ourselves up to date by examining poems published in recent years by poets of diverse backgrounds. To hone our attention to poetics, we will focus on several specific genres, forms, or kinds of poetry, including sonnets, elegies, and poems about the visual arts. The seminar will emphasize the development of skills of close reading, critical thinking, and imaginative, knowledgeable writing about poetry.
ENGL 5810-001: Books as Physical Objects
MW 11:00AM-12:15PM
We know the past chiefly through artifacts that survive, and books are among the most common of these objects. Besides conveying a text, each book also contains evidence of the circumstances of its manufacture. In considering what questions to ask of these mute objects, this course might be considered the "archaeology of printing"—that is, the identification, description, and interpretation of printed artifacts surviving from the past five centuries, as well as exploration of the critical theory that lies behind such an approach to texts. With attention to production processes, including the operation of the hand press, it will investigate ways of analyzing elements such as paper, typography, illustrations, binding, and organization of the constituent sections of a book. The course will explore how a text is inevitably affected by the material conditions of its production and how an understanding of the physical processes by which it was formed can aid historical research in a variety of disciplines, not only those that treat verbal texts but also those that deal with printed music and works of visual art. The class will draw on the holdings of the University Library's Special Collections Department, as well as on its Hinman Collator (an early version of the one at the CIA)
* Open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates.
ENGL 5900-001: Counterpoint Seminar in Teaching Modern Literature - “Teaching Literature with Equity and Justice”
TR 12:30PM-01:45PM
This seminar is about how and why teaching literature matters today. How do secondary school and college instructors teach literature in challenging times? How do teachers make tough decisions about what to teach and why? What responsibility do teachers have to promote equity and justice through the literature they teach and the methods they use? In this course, we will tackle these big questions together as we explore what it means to pursue a career in teaching literature to middle school, high school, or college students. Each week, we will weave together your existing knowledge of literature and your emerging knowledge of pedagogy. You will be introduced to theories of learning-focused, culturally relevant, and culturally responsive pedagogy, and you will put your newfound knowledge into practice as we work step by step through designing your own teaching philosophy and materials.
This course will bring together students who already have experience as classroom instructors, students who are in the process of teaching for the very first time, and students who have yet to step up to the front of a classroom in the role of teacher. We will build on this diversity of experiences, learning together how to bring transformative pedagogies into our present and future classrooms.
ENGL 8380-001: The English Novel I
MW 03:30PM-04:45PM
ENGL 8520-001: Afterlives of the Epic
TR 03:30PM-04:45PM
ENGL 8520-002: Sources of Shakespeare
MW 03:30PM-04:45PM
Shakespeare rarely thought up plays on his own. Instead he borrowed plotlines, characters, and, often enough, verbatim wording from previous works while combining them with other materials that he had read. We'll examine his dramas alongside these sources toward the end of developing a deeper understanding of terms like influence, imitation, inspiration, invention, collaboration, allusion, adaptation, quotation, renaissance, revival, remake, and plagiarism.
At the same time we'll need to look at our sources for Shakespeare's plays: some of the most famous exist in multiple, equally authentic versions, though they differ from one another substantially. How do editors decide between these competing sources when they produce contemporary editions? How do you know which version you're reading in a modern textbook?
We'll use this double focus — on the sources Shakespeare adapted to write his plays and on the earliest printed sources for modern editions of Shakespeare — as a way to investigate larger questions about authorship, textual authority, authenticity, and originality. Plays to be considered will likely include The Comedy of Errors, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, The Winter's Tale, plus some plays by others: Seneca's Medea (translated by John Studley in1566), the anonymous King Leir, Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy and Christopher Marlowe, The Jew of Malta.
ENGL 8540-001: Perspectives on Austen
TR 11:00AM-12:15PM
A semester devoted to the patient close reading of Austen’s work, with attention to its historical context as well as formal attributes. Novels will be paired with critical essays illustrating diverse theoretical approaches. Any notion of Austen as a harmless spinster—narrow in her purview, complacent in her outlook—will quickly be dashed. Possible secondary materials include Eve Sedgwick’s queer perspective on Sense and Sensibility, Claudia Johnson’s feminist defense of Pride and Prejudice, Joseph Litvak’s deconstructive analysis of Emma, and Robyn Warhol’s narratological discussion of Persuasion. We may also consider an adaptation or two for screen or stage. Requirements include an article-length paper and a final exam. This course satisfies the 1700-1900 requirement.
ENGL 8570-001: Latinx Literature and History
M 05:00PM-07:30PM
This seminar provides a comprehensive overview of Latinx literature and histories by engaging the major critical debates in the field of Latinx studies (critical race theory, border studies, hemispheric frameworks, et al). We will explore the writings and histories of different national-origin Latinx groups and explore the construction of the term Latinx. Methodological strategies for researching Latinx topics will be addressed. Those who wish to increase their knowledge of Latinx topics; who wish to contextualize their own projects within Latinx literature and history; and/or who are considering a chapter or a thesis that include Latinx literary expression are encouraged to take this course. Proficiency in Spanish is not required.
ENGL 8580-001: Novel Theory: Current and Emergent
TR 12:30PM-01:45PM
ENGL 8580-002: Intro to Critical Theory
TR 03:30PM-04:45PM
ENGL 8596-001: Form and Theory of Poetry: To Be Grounded: Understanding Space, Place, and Setting as a Growth Templates for Poetry
T 02:00PM-04:30PM
[If you are *not* in the MFA program, but are a graduate student who would like to add this course, contact Professor Kiki Petrosino at with a brief request & rationale. Professor Petrosino will consult with Professor Dungy on permissions. All e-mail requests for permission should be accompanied by a request on SIS. Enrollment for returning students begins April 8 & will continue until the section is filled. For full consideration, please apply as soon as possible. Confirmation of your spot in the class may arrive in early summer.
ENGL 8598-001: Designing a Novel
W 02:00PM-04:30PM
ENGL 8800-001: Intro to Literary Research
W 09:30AM-12:00PM
ENGL 8800-002: Intro to Literary Research
F 09:30AM-12:00PM
ENGL 8810-001: Criticism in Theory & Practice - Criticism in the First Person
TR 02:00PM-03:15PM
In this course, we’ll discuss the theory and practice of subjective knowledge in literary criticism. Is there such a thing as subjective knowledge (knowledge that depends on and is irreducibly routed through the knower’s perspective), or are such viewpoints mere opinions? What are we saying, exactly, when we say that a work of art is beautiful? We’ll spend about half our time learning to understand Stanley Cavell’s theory of what happens when we make a value judgment about a work of art, with a focus on the role the first person has in such claims. Our study of Cavell’s theory will include some of the aesthetic theorists he has influenced (Sianne Ngai, Imani Perry, Michel Chaouli, and others). We’ll spend the remainder of the semester reading the work of various writers who use first-person perspective in their work. We’ll read critics practicing in the academy, critics working as reviewers in the periodical press, and writers of creative nonfiction. Writers we may read include Maggie Nelson, Christina Sharpe, Nathalie Léger, Roland Barthes, T. J. Clark, D. A. Miller, Elizabeth Hardwick, Cristina Rivera Garza, Monica Huerta, and others. Students will have the opportunity to write criticism in the first person as part of the final assignment.
ENGL 8900-001: Pedagogy Seminar
M 12:30PM-01:45PM
ENGL 9580-001: Critical Race Theory
TR 11:00AM-12:15PM
Critical race theory has been in the news recently as an object of right-wing derision, but the actual body of theory dates from the early 1980s, coined to describe a growing body of scholarship in legal studies but building upon developments in ethnic studies, black feminist studies, sociology, American studies, and social and intellectual history. This seminar will delve into the origins of CRT, examining key texts by Kimberle Crenshaw, Patricia Hill Collins, Cheryl Harris, Mari Matsuda, and Derrick Bell, as well as the expansion of the field into non-legal academia, particularly in American Studies and critical ethnic studies, and include concepts such as intersectionality, queer of color critique, critical whiteness studies, settler colonialism, racial capitalism, racial triangulation, and Afro-pessimism. Readings may include George Lipsitz, Matthew Frye Jacobson, Jasbir Puar, Jared Sexton, Justin Leroy, Judith Butler, Jose Estaban Munoz, Iyko Day, Claire Jean Kim, Audra Simpson, Eve Tuck, and Alexander Weheliye, among others.