Steph Ceraso
Associate Professor, Digital Writing & Rhetoric; NEH Mayo Distinguished Teaching Professor
Composition Pedagogy and Theory, Digital Rhetoric, Sound Studies
Office Address/Hours
304-A Bryan Hall / Tuesdays 12:30-2:30p, Thursdays 9:30a-10:30a, & by appt; please email me in advance if you plan to attend office hours
Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh. 2013.
M.A. University of Vermont. 2006.
B.A. Washington and Jefferson College. 2004.
Sounding Composition: Multimodal Pedagogies for Embodied Listening. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018.
"Sonic Scenes of Writing." College English 84.4 (March 2022): 311-334.
Sound Never Tasted So Good: ‘Teaching’ Sensory Rhetorics. Intermezzo ebook. 2019.
Reviewed in Reviews in Digital Humanities
“Learning as Coordination: Postpedagogy and Design.” Coauthored with Matthew Pavesich and Designer Jeremy Boggs. Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture 28 (Spring 2019).
“The Digital: Rhetoric Behind and Beyond the Screen.” Coauthored with Jim Brown and Casey Boyle. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 48.3 (2018): 251-259.
“Sound Practices for Digital Humanities.” Digital Sound Studies. Eds. Mary Caton Lingold, Darren Mueller, and Whitney Trettien. Duke University Press. 2018.
A Tale of Two Soundscapes: The Story of My Listening Body.” Provoke! Digital Sound Studies (digital collection). Eds. Mary Caton Lingold, Darren Mueller, and Whitney Trettien. January 2015.
"(Re)Educating the Senses: Multimodal Listening, Bodily Learning, and the Composition of Sonic Experiences." College English 77.2 (November 2014): 102-123.
"Sonic Approaches to Inclusivity and Social Justice." Chair. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Online. March 2022.
“Bittersweet Symphony: Sound and Multisensory Experience.” Brown University. Music Department. March 2020.
“Writing (and Not Writing) with Sound: Podcast Production and Embodied Inquiry.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City. March 2018.
“Art Lives: The Generative Nature of Fandom.” Rutgers-Camden Archive of Digital Ephemera (R-CADE) Symposium. Rutgers University-Camden. April 2016.
“Sounding Composition: Teaching Multimodal Listening.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Austin. January 2016.
“Teaching Multisensory Listening Practices to Invigorate Digital Composition.” Inertia: A Conference on Sound, Media, and the Digital Humanities. Los Angeles. April 2015.
“Making Sense of Sound: Learning to Listen in the 21st Century.” John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute. Duke University. February 2015.
"Listening Bodies, Digital Production, and the Pursuit of Invigorated Sonic Experiences." Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH). University of Maryland, College Park. “Digital Dialogues” Series. October 2014.
NEH Mayo Distinguished Teaching Professorship. University of Virginia. 2022-2025.
Richard Ohmann Award for Outstanding Article in College English for “(Re)Educating the Senses.” National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). 2015.
Andrew Mellon Dissertation Fellowship. University of Pittsburgh. 2012-2013.
English Department’s 2011-2012 Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Teaching Assistants and Fellows. University of Pittsburgh. 2012.
Elizabeth Baranger Excellence in Teaching Award. University of Pittsburgh. Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. 2011.