J. Daniel Kinney
17th C British, Digital Humanities, Renaissance
Office Address/Hours
413 Bryan Hall / TR 2:00-3:30 and by appointment
Class Schedule
TR 11:00-12:15, 3:30-4:45
Ph.D. Yale 1983
M.A. Cambridge 1978
B.A. Yale 1976
M.A. Cambridge 1978
B.A. Yale 1976
Petronius’ Satyrica, University of California Press, 1996
Edited Works
The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vols. 3/2 (last third) and 15 = More's controversy with Germain de Brie (Brixius); In Defense of Humanism (humanist letter-essays); and The History of King Richard III, Yale University Press, 1986
Forthcoming Works
Editor of Plantarum libri sex (Six Books of Plants), University of Delaware Press (separate vols.) (Editor)
Co-editor of The Dramatic Works. The Complete Works of Abraham Cowley
Director, The Abraham Cowley Text-Image Archive, and Ovid Illustrated: The Renaissance Reception of Ovid in Image and Text, featuring Metamorphoses illustrations by Solis et al., with a verse commentary by Johann Spreng (1563)
- "Heirs of the Dog: Cynic Selfhood in Medieval and Renaissance Culture" (1997)
- "The Tyrant Being Slain: Afterlives of More's History of King Richard III" (1997)
- "On Transposing a Context: Making Sense of More's Humanist Defenses" (1996)
- "Erasmus and the Latin Comedians," (1990)
- "Rewriting Thomas More: A Devotional Anthology," (1989)
- "Latin Middle and Late: Mundus Alter et Idem," (1986).
- NEH grant-in-aid for the Cowley Edition, 1996; General Editor of the Cowley Edition
- Columbia University Translation Center Award, 1992
- Whiting Fellow, 1981-1982
- Paul W. Mellon Fellow, Clare College, Cambridge, 1976-1978