Andrew Stauffer
Professor, Department Chair
19th C British, Book History, Digital Humanities
Office Address/Hours
Bryan 202C / Wednesdays 1:30 – 3:30
Class Schedule
WF 9:30-12
Byron: A Life in Ten Letters. Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Book Traces: Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library. Material Texts series. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021. Winner of the 2021 Marilyn Gaull Book Award from the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association.
Interacting with Print: Elements of Reading in the Era of Print Saturation, co-auth. with the Multigraph Collective. University of Chicago Press, 2018.
Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism. Studies in Romanticism series. Cambridge University Press, 2005
Edited Works
Lord Byron: Selected Writings, co-ed. Jonathan Sachs. 21st Century Oxford Authors series. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Virtual Victorians: Networks, Connections, Technologies, co-ed. Veronica Alfano. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
H. Rider Haggard, She: A History of Adventure. Broadview Press, 2006.
Robert Browning’s Poetry: the Norton Critical Edition, co-ed. James Loucks. 2nd edition. W.W. Norton, 2006.
Fellowships and Grants
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation strategic planning grant, Book Traces (co-PI), 2019-2020
- CLIR Hidden Collections Grant, Book Traces (co-PI, with UVa Library), 2015-17
- Pinetree Fellowship, Advanced Research Collaborative, CUNY Graduate Center, 2014-15
- NYPL Short-Term Research Fellowship, 2013-14
- NEH Institutes for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities, 2011-13
- Google Digital Humanities Award, 2010-11
- American Council for Learned Societies Charles A. Ryskamp Fellowship, 2006-07
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2003-04
- Bibliographical Society of America Fellowship, 2003
- Huntington Library Mellon Short-Term Fellowship, 2001
- Gilder Lehrman Fellowship, New-York Historical Society, 2001
“Analog Intelligence,” Victorian Poetry 61:4 (Winter 2023). Special issue: “Whither Redux” (forthcoming).
“Byron’s Forms and Formats,” co-auth. Jonathan Sachs, Byron and His Others, ed. Michael Macovski. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
“Byron Contra Mundum,” The Oxford Handbook to Lord Byron, eds. Alan Rawes and Jonathon Shears. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
“Byron in Messologhi, 1823-2024,” Argo: A Hellenic Review (forthcoming 2024).
“The West Portrait of Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Reconsideration,” Keats-Shelley Journal 71 (2023), 32-47.
“Byron’s Ballroom Poetics and the Echoes of War,” co-auth. Jonathan Sachs, Byron Journal 50:2 (2022), 89-102.
“Serious House: On the Future of Library Print Collections,” The Promise of Paradise: The Changing Meaning of Libraries, ed. Jason Camlot (Wilfred Laurier Press, 2022), 114-30.
- “The Date-Stamped Book,” The Unfinished Book, eds. Alexandra Gillespie and Deidre Lynch. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 397-411.
- “Loves What Vanishes: Romantic Textuality and the Making of Byron,” Studies in Romanticism 59 (Winter 2020): 461-73.
- “Is Romanticism Necessary?” Keats-Shelley Journal 68 (2019).
- “An Image in Lava: Annotation, Sentiment, and the Traces of Nineteenth-Century Reading,” PMLA 134:1 (January 2019), 81-98.
- “Book History,” The Routledge Companion to Victorian Literature, eds. Dennis Denisoff & Talia Schaffer. New York: Routledge, 2019. 119-128.
- “Dark Prometheus: Byron’s Manfred and the Last Infirmity of Evil,” Romantic Circles Praxis, "On the 200th Anniversary of Lord Byron's Manfred," ed. Omar Miranda (2019).
- “The Goblin Men and the Flower Girl: New Sources for ‘Goblin Market,’” Victorian Poetry 56:1 (2018), 47-58.
- “Fourteen New Letters by Lord Byron,” (co-auth. Adam Friedgen), Keats-Shelley Journal 66 (2017), 37-54.
- “New Byron Letters: An Annotated Checklist,” Essays on Byron in Honour of Dr. Peter Cochran. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2018. 166-83.
- “My Old Sweethearts: On Digitization and the Future of the Print Record,” Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matthew Gold. University of Minnesota Press, 2016.
- “Byron’s Lyrics and the Politics of Publication,” Byron: The Poetry of Politics and the Politics of Poetry, ed. Roderick Beaton and Christine Kenyon Jones (Ashgate: Publications of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College London, 2016), 24-31.
- “Lord Byron’s Greek Air: Rediscovering a Regency Lyric,” The Regency Revisited, ed. Timothy Fulford and Michael Sinatra (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 146-58.
- “Speaking with the Dead: The Séance Diary of William Michael Rossetti,” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 24 (Spring 2015), 35-43.
- “Poetry, Romanticism, and the Practice of Nineteenth-Century Books,” Nineteenth-Century Contexts 34:5 (December 2012), 411-26.
- “The Nineteenth Century Archive in the Digital Age,” European Romantic Review 23:3 (June 2012), 335-41
- “The Germ,” The Cambridge Companion to the Pre-Raphaelites, ed. Elizabeth Prettejon (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012), 76-88.
- “Hemans by the Book,” European Romantic Review 22:3 (June 2011), 373-80.
- “Evidence and Interpretation in the Digital Age: Searching Engines, Reading Machines,” Victorian Studies 54:1 (2011), 63-8.
- “Lord Byron’s Poetry,” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Romanticism, ed. Frederick Burwick, Nancy Moore Goslee, and Diane Long Hoeveler. Cambridge: Blackwell, 2011.
- “Digital Scholarly Resources for the Study of Victorian Literature and Culture,” Victorian Literature and Culture 39 (2011), 293-303.
- “Sardanapalus, Spectacle, and the Empire State,” Byron and the Politics of Freedom and Terror, ed. Piya Pal-Lipinski and Matthew Green (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 33-46.
- “Legends of the Mummy Paper,” Printing History n.s. 8 (July 2010), 11-16.
- “The Lost World of Paper: Rider Haggard’s Pulp,” She: Explorations into a Romance, ed. Tania Zulli. Studi di Anglistica 20 (Aracne Editrice, 2010).
- “The Career of Byron’s ‘To the Po,’” Keats-Shelley Journal 57 (2008), 108-27.
- “Enchanted Archive: Influence, Dissemination, and Media Transformation in Shelley’s ‘Ode to the West Wind,’ co-authored with Charles J. Rzepka [writing as Roman Sympos] Romanticism on the Net (2008).
- “Two Re-discovered Byron Letters,” Byron Journal 36:2 (2008), 143-6.
- “Childe Roland’s Literate Despair,” Reading, Writing and the Influence of Harold Bloom, ed. Alan Rawes and Jonathon Shears (Manchester Univ. Press, 2010), 103-16.
- “Rooms of His Own: Byron’s Italian Property Search,” Times Literary Supplement (16/05/08), 15.
- “The First Printing of a Byron Poem in America,” Notes & Queries 55:1 (March 2008), 31-2.
- “Ruins of Paper: Dickens and the Necropolitan Archive,”Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, ed. Jerome McGann (January 2008).
“Byronic Anger and the Victorians,” Byron: Heritage and Legacy, ed. Cheryl A. Wilson. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 197-205.
“Byron, ‘Inkle and Yarico,’ and the Chains of Love.” Liberty and Poetic License: New Essays on Byron, ed. Bernard Beatty and Charles Robinson. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2008. 103-15.
“Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘The Burden of Nineveh’: Further Excavations,” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 16 (Spring 2007), 45-58.
“Byronic Transmission and the First Poem for Caro,” The Byron Journal 34:2 (2006), 143-5.
“Romanticism’s Scattered Leaves,” Romanticism on the Net 41 [Invited piece for10th Anniversary Issue] (Fall 2006). 6,000 words.
“Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Burdens of Nineveh.” Victorian Literature and Culture 33 (2005), 369-94.
“Byron, the Pyramids, and ‘Uncertain Paper.’” The Wordsworth Circle 36:1 (2005), 11-14.
“A New Epigram by Tennyson – or Browning? – on Alfred Austin,” Tennyson Research Bulletin 8:3 (November 2004), 190-3.
“Burns’s Other Poem for Jean, the ‘Blue-Eyed Lassie.’” Studies in Scottish Literature 33/34 (2004), 366-71.
“Victorian Paperwork.” Victorian Poetry. 41:4. Special issue: “Whither Victorian Poetry?” (Winter 2003). 526-31.
“Redressing ‘The Edinburgh Ladies’ Petition.’” The Byron Journal 31 (2003), 61-5.
“Five Letters from D. G. Rossetti to John Payne.” Huntington Library Quarterly 66:1-2 (2003), 177-89.
“The Lost Pamphlet Version of D.G. Rossetti’s ‘The Stealthy School of Criticism.’” Victorian Poetry 41:2 (Summer 2003), 197-227.
“Sorting Byron’s ‘Windsor Poetics.’” Keats-Shelley Journal 51 (2002), 30-4.
“Another Cause for the ‘Fleshly Controversy’: Buchanan vs Ellis.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 11 (Spring 2002), 63-7.
“A New Manuscript of Byron’s ‘The Irish Avatar.’” Notes and Queries 49:1 (March 2002), 38-40.
“The First Publication of Byron’s ‘To the Po.’” Studies in Bibliography 54 (2001), 297-300.
“Blake’s Poison Trees.” Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly 34 (Fall 2001), 36-9.
“Punch on Nineveh, Catholics, and the P.R.B.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (2001), 58-69.
“Byron, Medwin, and the False Fiend: Remembering ‘Remember Thee’” Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000), 265-76.
“New Light on Byron’s Regency Verse – in America.” The Byron Journal 28 (2000), 29-36.
“Godwin, Provocation, and the Plot of Anger.” Studies in Romanticism 39 (Winter 2000), 579-97.
“Celestial Temper: Shelley and the Masks of Anger.” Keats-Shelley Journal 49 (2000), 138-61.
“The Pleasures (and Pains) of Memory: Byron, Rogers, and Henry F.R. Soame.” Notes & Queries 46: (December 1999), 459-61.
“The Hero in the Harem: Byron’s Debt to Medieval Romance in Don Juan VI.” European Romantic Review 10:1 (Winter 1999), 84-97.
“Romantic Anger and Byron's Curse.” Romantic Passion. ed. Elizabeth Fay. Romantic Circles Praxis Series (University of Maryland, 1998).
“Robert Browning and ‘The King is Cold’: A New Poem.” Victorian Literature and Culture 26:2 (1998), 465-73. update: “‘The King is Cold’ by Stoddard, not Browning,” VLC 36 (2008), 361.
“Byron’s Monumental Epitaph for His Dog Boatswain.” The Byron Journal 26 (1998), 82-90.
“The Rossetti Archive: Methodologies and Praxis.” Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines 33 (1998). Rpt: Journal of Electronic Publishing (December 1998).
“Elizabeth Barrett Browning's (Re)Visions of Slavery.” English Language Notes 34:4 (1997), 29-48.
“Elizabeth Barrett Browning Reads William Blake?” Victorian Poetry 34:1 (Spring 1996), 114-6.
“The First Known Publication of Blake's Poetry in America.” Notes & Queries 43:1 (1996), 41-3.
Professional Service
President, Byron Society of America (2013 - )
Co-editor, Lives in Ten Letters series, with Bethany Thomas, Cambridge University Press
Associate editor, Victorian Literature and Culture series, University of Virginia Press (2014 - )
Co-general editor, Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition series, with Gail Marshall and Marion Thain, Cambridge University Press
Director, Advisory Board, International Association of Byron Societies (2021 - )
Board of Directors, Wordsworth Coleridge Association (2020 - )