Anna Beecher
Assistant Professor
Office Address/Hours
Bryan Hall 429 / Tuesdays 1-3pm and by appointment
Class Schedule
T, 9.30 - 12, Th 9.30-12 and 2-4.30pm
MFA University of Virginia, Creative Writing: Fiction 2020
BA (Hons) University of Westminster
We All Come Home Alive (memoir) Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2024
Here Comes the Miracle - Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2021
A Long Walk Back to You The Guardian, 2021
A Definite Act, Elle, 2021
In Praise of Fear, Unresolved, Arriving in a State of Emergency, and Feminism: My word of 2017 and Beyond - Huffington Post, UK. (2016-2018)
We Cover the Universe. An interactive performance commissioned and presented by Barbican, London (2020)
Nest. A multi-sensory performance work guided by poetry. International premier at Lincoln Center, New York (2019) following a UK tour to venues including Southbank Centre, Brighton Dome, Cambridge Junction, Stratford Circus and the Lowry.
Skin of the Teeth. A solo performance after the Grimm’s, ‘the boy went forth to learn to shudder’. Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh (2017) and Vault Festival, London, Scranton Shakespeare Festival and Ophelia Theater, New York (2018).
The Surplus. A new play for 60 young performers. Commissioned by Young Vic Taking Part and performed at Young Vic, London (2015).
Living Things. Created and performed at Battersea Arts Centre (2014). Recorded for the British Library’s Contemporary Performance Archive
Creativity Through Performance - Autism and Intellectual Disibility in Adults. Volume 1. pp49-55 .Pavilion. Co-authored with R.Lincoln and N. Alfandari. (2016)
Transformations. A trilogy of contemporary short stories inspired by the Brothers Grimm, commissioned by and performed at Art in Action Festival, followed by a mini tour of UK Schools. (2013/14/15)
Spoken word performances across the UK, including at Glastonbury Festival, Latitude Festival, Wise Words Festival Canturbury, Edinburgh Fringe and London venues including the Poetry Cafe, Leyden Gallery and Vestry House Museum (2015-18)
UK National Poetry Slam Finalist at the Royal Albert Hall (2017).
Shortlisted for the Sunday Times Charlotte Aitken Trust Young Writer of the Year Award, 2021
Henry Hoyns Fellowship, University of Virginia
National Geographic Scholarship, University of Virginia
Sydney Hall Blair Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Virginia
Henfield Prize for Fiction, University of Virginia