Brad Pasanek
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
18th C British, Digital Humanities, Restoration
Office Address/Hours
427 Bryan Hall / This spring semester I'm holding office hours by appointment on Mondays (12:00 to 1:30pm, depending on irregularly scheduled IHGC meetings). I'll also be online every Thursday, 3:30 to 5pm. Reserve a fifteen-minute appointment and find other availabilities at pasanek.youcanbook.me
Class Schedule
MW 3:30-4:45
Brad Pasanek is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies. He is the author of Metaphors of Mind, A Dictionary, published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 2015. His overlapping areas of study include eighteenth-century literature, the digital humanities, and poetry and poetics. His research, teaching, and advising focus on literary form and intellectual history, with a developing interest in critical making and fabrication (laser cutters and 3D printing). He's at work on a new book about Josephine Miles and the pre-digital digital humanities.
Ph.D. Stanford University, 2006
B.A. University of Chicago, 1997
B.A. University of Chicago, 1997
Metaphors of Mind: An Eighteenth-Century Dictionary, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015
Reviews: The British Society for Literature and Science (January 2016); New Criterion (January 2016); Choice (February 2016); Los Angeles Review of Books (March 2016); Eighteenth Century Studies (Summer 2016); SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 (Summer 2016); Modern Philology (August 2016); TLS (December 2016), Ariel (January 2017), Eighteenth-Century Fiction (Summer 2017), The Scriblerian (Autumn 2017), Eighteenth-Century Life (January, 2018)
- “Philosophy,” Oxford Handbook of Samuel Johnson, ed. Jack Lynch (OUP, 2022).
- "Extreme Reading: Josephine Miles and the Scale of the Pre-Digital Digital Humanities," ELH 86:2 (Summer 2019): 355-385.
"Enlightenment, Some Assembly Required," essay co-authored with Chad Wellmon, The Eighteenth Centuries (book chapter, U.Va. Press, 2018).
- "The Enlightenment Index," co-authored with Chad Wellmon, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 56:3 (Fall, 2015): 359-382.
- People of the Book Interview Series. Interviewed by Gretchen E. Henderson. Ploughshares (January 27, 2014).
- "This is Not a Book: Thomas Jefferson & Apple's App Store," co-authored with John O'Brien, Chronicle of Higher Education (September 4, 2013).
- Guest editor, with Simone Polillo, of a special journal volume on money and metaphors: Journal of Cultural Economy 4:3 (August 2011). Republished as Beyond Liquidity: The Metaphor of Money in Financial Crisis (Routledge, 2013).
- "Meaning and Mining: The Impact of Implicit Assumptions in Data-Mining for the Humanities" (co-authored with D. Sculley, Computer Science Department, Tufts University), Literary and Linguistic Computing 23:4 (2008): 409-424.
- "Mining Millions of Metaphors" (co-authored with D. Sculley), Literary and Linguistic Computing 23:3 (2008): 345-360.
- A review of Emily Hodgson Anderson’s "Mansfield Park and the 'Womanly Style' in Fiction" was published in the March newsletter of the UCLA Center for the Study of Women, 2007.
Digital Projects
Web app, a digital variorum edition of Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia. Newly transcribed and annotated, edited with John O’Brien and Virginia Anne Kinniburgh. http://jefferson-notes.herokuapp.com
- "The Mind is a Metaphor" database
- Hands On Literature
- 18thConnect
Recent Conferences and Presentations
“Free Indirect Drama,” ASECS, Toronto, April of 2024
"Counting before Computation,” Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series, CESTA, Stanford University, November 30, 2023
“By a Single Thread,” CSECS, Montreal, October of 2023
“Reading Counts,” Reading: A Conversation, UVA Reading Lab, May, 2023
“Ian Hamilton Finlay’s Shock Tropes,” UVA Modern and Contemporary Workshop, May 2023
“Between the Garden Trellis and the Guillotine,” ASECS, St. Louis, April 2023
“Josephine Miles: Biography and Bibliography,” Bibliography and Book History Kohler Seminar, UVA, March 21, 2023
“Factor Analysis,” Max Planck Institute, Berlin, August, 2022
“Unfree Direct Discourse,” ASECS, Baltimore, April 2, 2022
- “Remediating Poetry,” ASECS, April 10, 2021 [rescheduled]
- “The Future of Eighteenth Century Studies,” MLA, Seattle, January 11, 2020
- “Puzzle Poetry,” Historical Poetics Conference, Austin, TX, November 10, 2019
- Puzzle Poetry Poster, with Neal Curtis, ASECS Meeting, Denver, March of 2019
- “Josephine Miles’s Hand Counts,” Interacting with Print Workshop, Montreal, March of 2019
- Conference Organizer: Puzzles, Bots and Poetry, UVA, October of 2019
- “The Poets are Cases, the Words are Variables,” Irrationality and the Contemporary Conference, U.Va., May of 2018
- “Samuel Johnson and the Study of Philosophy,” Annual Meeting of the Johnson Society, Central Region, University of Chicago, April of 2018
- Panel Respondent: “Metaphor and Metonymy,” ASECS Meeting, Orlando, March of 2018
- "Puzzle Poetry," Becoming Media, Conference 2: Practices, UCLA, February of 2018
- "Extreme Reading: The Case of Josephine Miles," English Institute, UC Irvine, October of 2017
- Mayo NEH Teaching Professorship, 2019-2022
- NEH Institute, Early Modern Digital Agendas: Advanced Topics (June, 2015)
- Moore Institute, Visiting Fellow in the Digital Humanities (May and June, 2015)
IATH Associate Fellowship, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016
Teaching award from the O.W.L. Society, for "distinguished teaching of the written word at the University of Virginia," 2014
- University of Virginia Teaching Fellowship, 2010-2011
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Annenberg Center for Communication, University of Southern California, 2006-2007
Professional Activity
- Princeton Prosody Archive, Advisory Board
- MLA Discussion Group on Computer Studies (serving 2009-2015)