David Vander Meulen
Professor; Editor, Studies in Bibliography
18th C British, Bibliography, Book History & Culture, Restoration, Textual Studies
Office Address/Hours
140B Bryan Hall / Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:30, and by appointment
Class Schedule
MW 11:00-12:15
Ph.D. Wisconsin, 1981
M.A. Wisconsin, 1971
B.A. Calvin, 1970
M.A. Wisconsin, 1971
B.A. Calvin, 1970
The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1998
MOSQUITOES [by William Faulkner]: A Facsimile and Transcription of the University of Virginia Holograph Manuscript, With Thomas L. McHaney (Bibliographical Society of UVA and University of Virginia Library), 1997
Samuel Johnson’s Translation of Sallust, With G. Thomas Tanselle (The Johnsonians and Bibliographical Society of UVA), 1993
Pope’s DUNCIAD of 1728: A History and Facsimile, (Bibliographical Society of UVA and The New York Public Library), 1991
Where Angels Fear to Tread, Library of Congress, 1988
Digital Projects
Selected Articles
- "ESTC as Foundational and Always Developing,” Age of Johnson 21 (2011).
- "Parallel Printing and Running Titles [in Galileo’s Sidereus Nuncius, 1610],” in Paul Needham, Galileo Makes a Book: The First Edition of Sidereus Nuncius Venice 1610. Galileo’s O, ed. Horst Bredekamp, vol. 2 (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011). With Paul Needham.
- "Pattison’s Pope as an Index of Lives,” in Other People’s Books (2011).
- "Bibliography and Other History," Textual Cultures 4.1 (Spring 2009).
- "The Afterlife of the Imagination: Posthumous Adventures of Pope's Essay on Man," in Imagining Selves: Essays in Honor of Patricia Meyer Spacks, ed. Rivka Swenson and Elise Lauterbach (2008).
- "Thoughts on the Future of Bibliographical Analysis," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 46.1 (2008).
- "How to Read Book History," Studies in Bibliography 56 (2003-2004).
- "Sir William Dugdale and the Making of Books," in Marion Roberts, Dugdale and Hollar: History Illustrated (2002).
- "An Essay towards Perfection: J. D. Fleeman's A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson," The Age of Johnson 13 (2002).
- "The Editing of Pope's Dunciad from Scriblerus to ***," in Eighteenth-Century Contexts: Historical Inquiries in Honor of Phillip Harth, ed. Howard D. Weinbrot, Peter J. Schakel, and Stephen E. Karian (2001).
- "Revision in Bibliographical Classics: 'McKerrow' and 'Bowers,'" Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999).
- "A System of Manuscript Transcription," Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999). With G. Thomas Tanselle.
- "The Editorial Principles of Martinus Scriblerus," in The Culture of the Book: Essays from Two Hemispheres in Honour of Wallace Kirsop, ed. David Garrioch et al. (1999).
- "A History of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia: The First Fifty Years" and "Publications of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1947-1996," Studies in Bibliography 50 (1997).
- "Unauthorized Editions of Pope's Dunciad, 1728-1751," in Writers, Books, and Trade: An Eighteenth-Century English Miscellany for William B. Todd, ed. O M Brack Jr. (1994).
- "Fredson Bowers as Music Critic," Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1991 (1992).
- "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 83.3 (1989).
- "The History and Future of Bowers's Principles," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 79.2 (1985), reprinted in Fredson Bowers at Eighty (1985).
- "The Identification of Paper Without Watermarks: The Example of Pope's Dunciad," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984).
- "The Printing of Pope's Dunciad, 1728," Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982).
- Edward L. Ayers Advising Fellow Award, University of Virginia, 2013-2015
- Alfred A. and Blanche W. Knopf Fellowship, University of Texas, 2001
- Rawlings Prize, Albemarle County [Virginia] Historical Society, 1997
- Guggenheim Fellow, 1996-1997
- Vice-President, Bibliographical Society of America, 1992-1996
- Engelhard Lecture in Bibliography, The Center for the Book, Library of Congress, 1987
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, 1986, 2000
- Bibliographical Society of America Fellow, 1983-1984
- William Andrews Clark Library Fellow, 1982