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J. Daniel Kinney

17th C British, Digital Humanities, Renaissance
Office Address/Hours

413 Bryan Hall / TR 2:00-3:30 and by appointment

Class Schedule
TR 11:00-12:15, 3:30-4:45


Ph.D. Yale 1983
M.A. Cambridge 1978
B.A. Yale 1976


Petronius’ Satyrica, University of California Press, 1996

Edited Works

The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vols. 3/2 (last third) and 15 = More's controversy with Germain de Brie (Brixius); In Defense of Humanism (humanist letter-essays); and The History of King Richard III, Yale University Press, 1986

Forthcoming Works

Editor of Plantarum libri sex (Six Books of Plants), University of Delaware Press (separate vols.) (Editor)
Co-editor of The Dramatic Works. The Complete Works of Abraham Cowley


Director, The Abraham Cowley Text-Image Archive, and Ovid Illustrated: The Renaissance Reception of Ovid in Image and Text, featuring Metamorphoses illustrations by Solis et al., with a verse commentary by Johann Spreng (1563)


  • "Heirs of the Dog: Cynic Selfhood in Medieval and Renaissance Culture" (1997)
  • "The Tyrant Being Slain: Afterlives of More's History of King Richard III" (1997)
  • "On Transposing a Context: Making Sense of More's Humanist Defenses" (1996)
  • "Erasmus and the Latin Comedians," (1990)
  • "Rewriting Thomas More: A Devotional Anthology," (1989)
  • "Latin Middle and Late: Mundus Alter et Idem," (1986).


  • NEH grant-in-aid for the Cowley Edition, 1996; General Editor of the Cowley Edition
  • Columbia University Translation Center Award, 1992
  • Whiting Fellow, 1981-1982
  • Paul W. Mellon Fellow, Clare College, Cambridge, 1976-1978