Jane Alison
Office Address/Hours
405 Bryan Hall / M and W, 4:30 - 5:30, and by arrangement.
Class Schedule
M 2:00-4:30, W 10:00-12:30
M.F.A. Columbia University, 1993
B.A. Princeton University (magna cum laude), 1983
- Villa E, Liveright, 2024
- Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative, Catapult, 2019
- Nine Island, Catapult, 2016
- Change Me: Stories of Sexual Transformation from Ovid, Oxford University Press, 2014
- The Sisters Antipodes, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009
- Natives and Exotics, Harcourt, 2005
- The Marriage of the Sea, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003
- The Love-Artist, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001
- “Bilbao,” TriQuarterly 132 (2008)
- “Mary M.,” Five Points (Winter 2006)
- “The Plant Hunter,” Seed Magazine (July/August 2004)
Essays and Reviews
- "But I've Got Ovid," Virginia Quarterly Review (Summer 2016)
- "Ancient Narrative Now," Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 23.2 (Fall 2015)
- "Catoptrica" Studies in Literary Imagination (Fall 2016)
- Review of Anne Carson’s NOX. “A Year in Reading,” www.themillions.com (19 December 2011)
- “Why I Was Driven to Drive,” Washington Post (22 May 2010). Reprinted in Minneapolis Star Tribune, Charleston Daily Mail, Dallas Morning News, Portland Press Herald,
- “This Life,” YOU Magazine, Mail on Sunday (U.K.) (20 September 2009)
- “Two Fathers Too Few,” International Herald Tribune (10 June 2009)
- “Some Pointers for Palin,” Boston Globe (19 May 2009)
- “Swapping Fathers, Swiftly,” New York Times (1 March 2009)
- “The Third Victim in Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser” (peer reviewed), The Germanic Review (Spring 2006)
- “Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut”: A Masque in Disguise” (peer reviewed), Postscript: Essays in Film and the Humanities (Fall 2003
Musical Collaborations
- “XENIA,” song-cycle, with music by Thomas Sleeper, performed by tenor John Duykers, Albany Records, 2010
- “The Sisters Antipodes,” mini-opera, with music by Thomas Sleeper, performed at Festival Miami and other locations nationally and abroad, 2009
- “The Marriage of the Sea,” mini-opera, with music by Raina Murnak, performed at Festival Miami, 2009
- Center for the Humanities Fellow, University of Miami (2012-2013)
- UM Provost Research Award for Summer (2012)
- UM Max Orovitz Summer Research Awards (summer 2008, 2010)
- People Magazine Editor’s Pick (March 2009)
- Nomination for International Kiriyama Pacific Rim Literary Prize (2006)
- Nomination for International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (2005)
- New York Times Notable Book (2003)
- Residency at Lavigny International Writers Colony, Switzerland (2002)
Recent Presentations (selected)
- American Academy in Rome, Italy (2013), “Ovid Transformed: The Poet and the Metamorphoses”
- Humanities Center, Miami (2012)
- Brandeis National Committee, Treasure Coast, FL (2011)
- American Library in Paris (2009)
- John Adams Institute, Amsterdam (2009)
- University of South Carolina, “Caught in the Creative Act” (2009)
- Miami International Book Fair (2009)
- University of Southern Illinois, “Devil’s Kitchen Literary Festival” (2009)
- George Mason University, “Fall for the Book” (2009)
- Rutgers University Writers Conference (2007)
- Bryn Mawr College Creative Writing Program Reading Series (2005)
- National Public Radio (2005)
- Karlsruher Bücherschau, Karlsruhe, Germany (2003)
- Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut, Stuttgart, Germany (2003)
- Geneva Writers Group International Writers Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (2003, 2002)
- Lavigny International Writers Residence Reading Series, Lavigny, Switzerland (2002)
- Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum, Heidelberg, Germany (2001)