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Kevin G. Smith

Assistant Professor, General Faculty; Writing Center Co-Director
Office Address/Hours

Bryan Hall 314A / Tu 11:15-12:15, Th 3:15-4:15

Class Schedule
TR 12:30-1:45, 2:00-3:15
Ph.D., English (Rhetoric and Composition), Northeastern University, 2018
M.A., New Media Studies, DePaul University, 2012
B.A., English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009
Research Interests
Digital writing and rhetoric, Rhetorical Genre Studies, Digital Humanities, Writing pedagogies, Writing program administration
Recent Publications
Smith, Kevin G., Chris W. Gallagher, and Kristi Girdharry. “Writing Transfer, Integration, and the Need for the Long View.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 73, no. 21, pp. 4-26.
Lesh, Charlie and Kevin Smith. “Rerouting Place in Community-Engaged Teaching: Lessons from the Spatial Disruption of COVID-19.” Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 21, issue 1, n. pag.
“Negotiating Community Literacy Practice: Public Memory Work and the Boston Bombing Digital Archive,” Computers and Composition 40 (2016): 115–130.
“A Writing Studies Review of Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson, editors, Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 10.1 (May 2016).
Mary M. Juzwik, Ellen Cushman, Kevin G. Smith, and Cori McKenzie. “Editor’s Introduction: Defining and Doing the ‘English Language Arts’ in Twenty-First Century Classrooms and Teacher Education Programs,” Research in the Teaching of English 51.2 (Nov. 2016)
Recent Presentations
“(Re)Making/(Re)Marking: Digital Writing and Collaborative/Participatory Methodological Design,” Conference on College Composition and Communication: Kansas City, MO: 16 March, 2018.
“Modeling Student Authorship: The Rhetoric of Markup in the Writing Classroom,” Poster, Digital Humanities (DH) 2017, Montreal, QC: 8 August 2017.
“(Data) Modeling Understanding: The Rhetoric of (XML) Markup in the Writing Classroom,” Conference on College Composition and Communication Convention, Portland, OR: 16 March 2017.