Mark Edmundson
University Professor
19th C American, 19th C British, Poetry, Romanticism
Office Address/Hours
208 Bryan Hall / Tues/Thurs 2:00-3:30
Class Schedule
Tues/Thurs 12:30-1:45, 3:30-4:45
Ph.D. Yale, 1985
B.A. Bennington, 1974
The Age of Guilt: The Super-Ego in the On-Line World, Yale University Press, 2023
Song of Ourselves: Walt Whitman and the Fight for Democracy, Harvard University Press, 2021.
The Heart of the Humanities: Reading, Writing, Teaching, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018
Why Write?, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016
Self and Soul: A Defense of Ideals, Harvard University Press, 2015
Why Football Matters: My Education in the Game, Penguin Press, 2014
Why Teach?, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013
The Fine Wisdom and Perfect Teachings of the Kings of Rock and Roll, HarperCollins, 2010
The Death of Sigmund Freud, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2008
The Death of Sigmund Freud, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007
Translations: French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Turkish, Portuguese (Brazil), Greek. -
Why Read?, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2004
Teacher: The One Who Made the Difference, Random House, 2002
Nightmare on Main Street, Harvard University Press, 1997
Literature Against Philosophy, Plato to Derrida , Cambridge University Press, 1995
Wild Orchids and Trotsky, Penguin, 1993
Towards Reading Freud, Princeton University Press, 1990
Selected Essays
“America’s Cloven Fiction,” The Hedgehog Review (online), September 12, 2024
“The Politics of Possession in America,” Liberties, Autumn 2024.
“Teach the Conflicts,” The American Scholar, Fall 2024.
“A Terrifying Delight: Following Robert Frost into the Depths,” The American Scholar (website), June 27, 2024.
“For the Love of Glamour: American Aristocracy, from Twain to Trump,” The Los Angeles Review of Books, April 14, 2024
“Milton’s Apple and Ours: Paradise Lost and Artificial Intelligence,” First Things, April 2024.
“Something Happened to Me the Other Day,” Hedgehog Review (online), Feb. 20, 2024.
“Good People: The New Discipline,” Liberties, summer 2023.
“Students, Meet the Super-Ego,” Inside Higher Ed, May 10, 2023.
“How Capitalism Went Progressive,” Salmagundi. Spring Summer 2023.
“Grief and Grievances: The Example of T.S. Eliot,” Literary Matters, 15:3.
“Truth Takes a Vacation: Trumpism and the American Philosophical Tradition," Harper’s Magazine, January 2023.
“The Super-Ego in the Green World,” Salmagundi, Spring / Summer 2022.
“What Emerson Can Teach Us About Resilience,” Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2021.
“What Walt Whitman Knew about Democracy,” Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2021.
“On Great Literary Loves,” Lithub, April 9, 2021.
"Jam Songs: Ideology and Education," Salmagundi. Spring-Summer 2020.
“Walt Whitman’s Guide to a Thriving Democracy,” The Atlantic Monthly, May 2019.
“Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad?” Los Angeles Review of Books, Sept. 9. 2018.
“Can Drugs Enlighten?” Raritan, Fall 2018.
“Coleridge!” Literary Imagination, July, 2018.
“A Left Conservative,” Salmagundi, Fall 2018.
“Exploring College Students’ Quest for Identity,” Inside Higher Ed, February 20, 2018.
“The Metaphysics of the Hangover,” Hedgehog Review, Summer 2017.
"My Perfect Season": Harper's Magazine, July 2016.
"Profanity as Weltanschauung": Los Angeles Review of Books, December 29, 2015.
"Test of Faith": American Scholar, Fall 2015.
"If Everything's So Amazing, Why's Nobody Happy?": VQR on-line, October 5, 2015.
"The Idealist versus the Therapist": New York Times, August 18, 2015.
"Football: The Lure of the Game": The Los Angeles Review of Books, Sept. 8, 2014.
"A Paint Factory Education": Virginia Quarterly Review, Fall 2014.
"The Gift" (fiction): Raritan, Fall 2014.
"Pay Attention": The Hedgehog Review, Summer 2014.
"Poetry Slam: The Decline of American Verse": Harper's Magazine, September 2013.
"Imagination: Powers and Perils": Raritan, Fall 2012.
"Do Sports Build Character or Destroy It?": The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 15, 2012.
"Under the Sign of Satan: Blake in the Corporate University": The Hedgehog Review, Spring 2012.
"Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here? / A Message in a Bottle for the Incoming Class": Oxford American, Fall 2011. Chosen for Best American Essays 2012.
“Dwelling in Possibility”: The Chronicle of Higher Education (cover story), March 21, 2008.
“Alone at the Movies”: The American Scholar, Winter, 2008.
“The Zen Ten,” in University of Virginia Teaching Resource Center Bulletin, Fall, 2005.
“Humanities Past, Present and Future”: New Literary History, Winter 2005.
“Freud (and Shakespeare) in Love”: Raritan, Summer 2004.
"My First Intellectual": Lingua Franca, March, 1999.
"The Uses of a Liberal Arts Education": Harper's Magazine, September, 1997.
"Novel Characters: Don DeLillo Rewrites the Self": Yale Review, April, 1995.
"Coleridge" in The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism (Johns Hopkins University Press,1993).
"Vital Intimations: Wordsworth and the Promise of Criticism": SAQ, Summer, 1992.
"Criticism Now: the Example of Wordsworth": Raritan, Fall, 1990.
"Salman Rushdie: Prophet of a New Post-Modernism": Harper's Magazine, September, 1989.
"A Will to Cultural Power: Deconstructing the De Man Scandal": Harper's Magazine, July 1988.
"Keats's Mortal Stance": Studies in Romanticism, Spring 1987.
"Edmund Wilson: The Last American Scholar?": The Bennington Review, No. 12, Winter 1982.
Selected Recent Lectures
“Students, Beware the Super-Ego”: Lincoln Lecture, American University, September 28, 2023.
“The Fight for Democracy”: Boi Distinguished Lecture, University of North Bengal, India, August 20, 2022.
“Whitman’s Democracy”: Catholic University, Feb 16, 2022
“Walt Whitman, Poet of Democracy”: UVA Democracy Initiative, Feb 12, 2022.
"Walt Whitman Invents America”: Philadelphia Atheneum, May, 2021.
"The Humanities in the Age of STEM”: Wayne State University, April 12, 2019.
Illume / Knapp Lectures on Walt Whitman, University of San Diego:
"Who Was Walt Whitman?" October 7, 2019.
"The Great Work: Song of Myself”: October 9, 2019.
"The Hospitals and Beyond”: October 11, 2019.
"In Defense of Ideals”: Tocqueville Lecture, Furman University, January 31, 2019.
"Why Write?": Western Michigan University, September 28, 2017.
"Violence in Charlottesville": Western Michigan University, September 28, 2017.
"In Defense of Ideals": Western Michigan University, September 28, 2017.
"Freud and the Future," a discussion: 92nd Street Y, New York City, March 22, 2016.
"The Life of the Ideal": King College, September 14, 2015.
"Real Life or Ideal Life?": Mary Washington College, August 26, 2015.
"Attention and Distraction Now": New York University, May 14, 2015.
"Why Football Matters": Lowell lecture, Boston College, October 15, 2014.
"The Soul of the Humanities": Phi Beta Kappa Lecture, University of Alabama, September 4, 2014.
"The Soul of the Humanities": Amherst College, April 16, 2014.
"The Soul of the Humanities": Ohio State University, March 26, 2014.
"Self and Soul": Cloud Lecture, William and Mary College, March 19, 2014.
“Terrible Beauty: Football in America”: Princeton University, McCandless Lecture, December 11, 2012.
“Self and Soul: The Mortal Dilemma”: Houston Lecture, University of Houston, April 19, 2012.
“What Is a Romantic?” Department of English, University of Houston, April 18, 2012.
“Self and Soul: The Mortal Dilemma”: Knoll Lecture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; March 27, 2012.
Scholar in Residence / Monterey Bay Community College / presenting three lectures:
“Are Football Stars Heroes?” March 8, 2012.
“Can Music Save Your Life?” March 7, 2012.
“Why Does Love Have to Be So Sad?” March 5, 2012. -
“Why Read?” Suffolk University: October 6, 2011 (Teacher chosen as first year reading for entering class).
“Why Read?” Wartburg College (Convocation Address) – March 22, 2011.
“Self and Soul: The Modern Dilemma,” Portland State University (Keynote Address, NUCLA Conference), March 4, 2011.
Kings of Rock and Roll! Princeton University (Association of Literary Scholars, Critics and Writers Conference), November 6, 2010.
“The Common Reader Now,” Princeton University (ALSCW Conference), November 5, 2010.
“Why Read?” Simpson College (Convocation Address), September 5, 2010.
Contributing Editor, Raritan, 1991-
Honors and Awards
"Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here? / A Message in a Bottle for the Incoming Class." Oxford American, Fall 2011. Chosen for Best American Essays 2012.
Kings of Rock and Roll named one of the best memoirs of 2010 by Kirkus Reviews.
"On Bores" named a Notable Essay of 2009 by Best American Essays.
Guggenheim Fellow for 2005-2006.
NEH Distinguished Teaching Professor, 2004-2007.
The New York Times Notable Book of the Year Citation for Teacher, 2002.
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Fellowship, Fall 2001.
"Game Time" named a Notable Story of 2002 by Best American Short Stories.
NEH / Harry Jack Gray Distinguished Teaching Professor, University of Hartford, Spring, 2001.
Sesquicentennial Fellowship, University of Virginia, Spring 2000.
NEH Summer Grant, 1999.
Sesquicentennial Fellow, University of Virginia, 1994 - 1995.
Senior Fellowship: Commonwealth Center for Literary and Cultural Change Fellow, 1992-1993.
Virginia Arts Council Grant for Fiction Writing, 1992.
Junior Faculty Fellowship, sponsored by the University of Virginia, Spring 1988.
Keats / Shelley Association Award, 1987, for the essay "Keats's Mortal Stance."