Sarah Cole
Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean
19th C British, 20th C British, Comparative Literature, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office Address/Hours
203 Monroe Hall / Daily by appointment
Ph.D. Columbia University, 2008
M.A. Columbia University, 1998
B.A. Bryn Mawr College, 1997
M.A. Columbia University, 1998
B.A. Bryn Mawr College, 1997
- “The Recovery of Friendship: Male Love and Developmental Narrative in Tennyson’s In Memoriam.” Victorian Poetry 50 (2012): 43-66.
- “National Histories, International Genre: Thackeray, Balzac, and the Franco-British Bildungsroman.” Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net No. 48 (Nov. 2007). Special issue on “Victorian Internationalisms,” edited by Lauren M. E. Goodlad and Julia M. Wright.
- “The Aristocrat in the Mirror: Male Vanity and Bourgeois Desire in William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 61 (2006): 137-70.
Selected presentations:
- “Disability and Poetry of the First World War.” “Global Disability” panel, Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures, University of Virginia, October 2014.
- “Playing at Empire: Peter Pan and Scouting for Boys.” North American Victorian Studies Association, November 2011.
- “First World War Novels and the Social Contract of Genre.” Modern Language Association, December 2009.
- “‘The Comrade of My Choice’: In Memoriam and the Culture of Male Friendship.” North American Victorian Studies Association, November 2008.
- “Mourning Becomes Rupert: The ‘1914’ Sonnets and Their Wartime Readers.” Modern Language Association, December 2004.
- “The Bildungsroman Crosses the Channel: Balzac and Thackeray on the Education of the Writer.” Modern Language Association, December 2004.“
- The Temple: Border Zone of Victorian Bachelorhood.” North American Victorian Studies Association, November 2004.
- “Dandies in Plaid: Highland Style in Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley.” American Comparative Literature Association, April 2004.
- “From the Trenches to the Best-Seller Lists: Changing Trends in British War Literature, 1914-1933.” Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies, April 2002.