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Victor Luftig

20th and 21st Century Literature (Irish and English); education of K-12 teachers
Office Address/Hours

338A Bryan Hall / 


Ph.D. Stanford, 1988
M.A. Johns Hopkins, 1983
B.A. Colgate University, 1981


Joyce and the Subject of History, University of Michigan Press, 1996
Seeing Together, Stanford University Press, 1993

Selected Articles

  • “In the Splinters of the Thunderbolt,” in eds. Siobhan Hutson, Alan Hayes, and Nessa O’Mahony, Days of Clear Light: A Festschrift in Honour of Jessie Lendennie and in Celebration of 40 Years of Salmon Poetry  (Arlen, 2020).
  • “Jude and Sue: ‘True Comrades,’” excerpt from Seeing Together (above), re-printed in Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure, Norton Critical Edition, 2016
  • "Raising the Bar: K-8,"in Composition(s) in the New Liberal Arts, eds. Joanna Castner and James Inman (Hampton, 2009).
  • "Power All the Way: Poetry, Presidents, and the Centre," UCG Women's Studies Review  (Galway, Ireland), Volume Three, 1995, excerpted in Women Emerging, A Decade of Irish Feminist Scholarship, eds. R. Pelan and A. Hayes (National University of Ireland at Galway, 2005).
  • "Poetry, Casuality, and an Irish Ceasefire," The Peace Review, June 2001.
  • "Literary Tourism and Dublin's Joyce," in Joyce and the Subject of History, 1996 (above), originally printed as "'A Standard of Service and Sophistication': Joyce and the Tourism Trap," James Joyce Quarterly, Summer 1991,and reprinted in The Irish Review (Belfast), Winter 1991-1992 and Magyar Lettre Internationale, 1996-1997

Selected Book Reviews

  • Irish Literature in Italy in the Era of the World Wars by Antonio Bibbò, for James Joyce Quarterly, forthcoming
  • One Hundred Years of James Joyce’s “Ulysses,” ed. Colm Tóibín, for James Joyce Quarterly, Fall 2023
  • James Joyce and Education: Schooling and the Social Imaginary in the Modernist Novel by Len Platt, for James Joyce Quarterly, Fall 2022
  • Filthy Material: Modernism & the Media of Obscenity by Chris Forster, for James Joyce Literary Supplement, Spring 2020
  • Rethinking Joyce’s “Dubliners,” eds. Claire Culleton and Ellen Scheible, for James Joyce Quarterly, Winter 2017
  • Joyce/Shakesepeare, eds. Laura Pelaschiar and Valérie Bénéjam, for James Joyce Literary Supplement, Fall 2015
  • Bloomsday 100: Essays on “Ulysses,” eds. Morris Beja and Anne Fogerty, for James Joyce Quarterly, Volume 47, No. 2, Winter 2010
  • Joyce and Company by David Pierce, for James Joyce Quarterly, Volume 45, Number 22, Winter 2008
  • Critical Companion to James Joyce: A Literary Reference to his Life and Work by Nicholas Fargnoli and Michael Patrick Gillespie, for James Joyce Literary Supplement, Volume 22, Number 1, Spring 2008
  • Self & Form in Modern Narrative by Vincent Pecora for James Joyce Quarterly, Spring 1990, written with Mark Wollaeger


  • “Charlottesville After ‘Charlottesville,’” Denver Center for Humanistic Inquiry, April 2018.
  • “Yeats’s Prayer for the Endangered Child,” Modernist Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, November 2015
  • "Living With Some Poems by W.B. Yeats," workshop, Bread Loaf School of English, July 2014
  • "A History of Evidence: Why a Teacher's Own Experiences Should Count," Celebration of Success conference, Abingdon, VA, July 2014
  • “A New Modernist Classroom?,” roundtable co-organized with John Whittier-Ferguson, Modernist Studies Association conference, Nashville, November 2008.
  • Major forum on "Teachers for a New Era," American Association for College Teachers of Education annual conference, New York City, February 2007
  • Chair, "Beckett at 100 and Irish Writing," Modern Language Association Convention, December 2006
  • "Teacher Quality and Induction," "Preparing Today's Leaders for Tomorrow's High Schools" conference, Alliance for Excellent Education, Washington, DC, October 2004
  • "The Laureateship as Political Capital," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies conference, Fairfax, Va., April 2002

Other Positions Held

  • Academic Coordinator for Semester at Sea, University of Virginia, 2013-2016, and Academic Dean for Spring 2012 and Spring 2016 voyages
  • Faculty member, Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 1993-1996, 1997-2011, 2013.
  • Associate Professor of English and Director of University Writing, Brandeis University, 1994-1999.
  • Assistant Professor of English, Yale University, 1988-94; Co-Director, Bass Writing Program, 1989-1992, 1993-1994.

Committees and Consultancies

  • Faculty board member, Global Development Studies program, UVa.
  • Executive Committee, Anglo-Irish Literature Discussion Group, Modern Language Association, 2004-2007, Chair, 2006
  • Test Development Committee, Advanced Placement Exam, English Literature and Composition and English Language and Composition, Educational Testing Service, 1995-1998

Awards, fellowships, additional recognition

  • Commencement speaker, Bread Loaf School of English, Lincoln College, Oxford, 2011
  • Robert Frost Chair, Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 2009
  • Commencement speaker, Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 2003
  • Marino Chair, Bread Loaf School of English, 1998