Walter Jost
Critical Theory, Literary Theory, Rhetoric
Office Address/Hours
104 Bryan Hall / On leave Fall 2024.
Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1985
M.A. University of Chicago, 1979
M.A. University of Chicago, 1974
B.A. St. Louis University (cum laude), 1973
M.A. University of Chicago, 1979
M.A. University of Chicago, 1974
B.A. St. Louis University (cum laude), 1973
- Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, University of Virginia Press, 2004
- Rhetorical Thought in John Henry Newman, University of South Carolina Press, 1989
Edited Works
- The Knowing Most Worth Doing: Essays on Pluralism, Ethics, and Religion, University of Virginia Press, 2010
- The Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Literature, Blackwell Publishers, 2010
- The Essential Wayne Booth, University of Chicago Press, 2006
- A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism, Blackwell Publishers, 2004
- Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking After Cavell After Wittgenstein, Northwestern University Press, 2003
- Rhetorical Invention and Religious Inquiry: New Perspectives, Yale University Press, 2000
- Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time, Yale University Press, 1997. Translated into Chinese (Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2018).
Forthcoming Book
The Disconcordance of Our Language Games: Rhetorical Considerations in Poetry, Thought, and Experience (Palgrave: 2023/24)
Recent Articles
- “Elizabeth’s Bishop’s Grammar School for the Aspect-Blind and A-rhetorical,” in special issue of Religions, edited by Kevin Hart (July, 2017).
- “Thinking the Poem: Elizabeth Bishop’s Transcendental ‘Crusoe in England’ (For Example),” in Garry Hagberg, ed., Wittgenstein and Philosophical Aesthetics (London: Palgrave, 2016).
- “Demonstrating Rhetoric in Wharton’s Ethan Frome” (in manuscript).
- “Rhetoric and Poetry,” (with Thomas Sloane), Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetics (2010).
- “Philosophy and Literature—and Rhetoric: Adventures in Polytopia,” inGarry L. Hagberg and Walter Jost, eds., The Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Literature (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2010).
- “Introduction” to Pluralism, Ethics and Religion: Essays by Wayne Booth (University of Virginia Press, 2010).
- “Doing Ordinary Language Criticism,” The St. John's University Humanities Review, Spring, 2007.
- “Introduction” to The Essential Wayne Booth (University of Chicago Press, 2006).
- Poems in Descant (Fall 2005), The Virginia Quarterly Review (July 2006), Sou’wester (Fall 2006), Virginia Quarterly Review (2009).
- “Foreword” to James McDermott, Austere Style in Twentieth-Century Literature: Literary Minimalism (Edwin Mellen Press, 2006).
- "Sweating the Little Things in Lumet's 12 Angry Men," in Michael Hyde, ed., The Ethos of Rhetoric (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2004).
- “Epiphany and Epideictic: The Low Modernist Lyric in Robert Frost,” in Jost and Olmsted, eds., A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism (Blackwell, 2004).
- "Ordinary Language Brought to Grief: Robert Frost's Home" Burial,” in Dauber and Jost, eds., Ordinary Language Criticism (Northwestern University Press, 2003).
- Introduction to Dauber and Jost, eds., Ordinary Language Criticism (Northwestern University Press, 2003).
- "The Logos of Techne (or, By Virtue of Art)", in Joseph Petraglia, ed., New Essays on Rhetoric and Education (SUNY Press, 2003).
- "Rhetorical Investigations of Robert Frost," in Earl Wilcox and Jonathan Barron, eds., Rereading Robert Frost (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2000).
- Scholar of the Year, Religious Communication Association, 2018.
- International Society for the History of Rhetoric Travel Grant, Summer, 2001
- Teaching Initiative Grant, 1999
- Sesquicentennial Research Awards, UVa, 1998, 1993, 2004
- Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Center for Literary and Cultural Change, UVa, 1994
- Candidate for Danforth Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1979