Careers in English
Welcome to the Careers in English section of the English Department website. We developed this page so that potential and current English majors have the resources they need to translate their major into the jobs they want.
Tell us your story! English majors from U.Va. have gone on to fields as varied as they are numerous. If you would like to share your experience on our blog, send an email to Professor Susan Fraiman with (a) your name, graduation year, and current job title, (b) a description of your current job and how your English degree got you there, and (c) if you'd like, a favorite memory from studying English at U.Va.
“The Best Job in the World”: A&S Alumni Are Leading the Way in a Thriving Publishing Industry, an article featuring several UVa English majors.
Virginia Alumni Mentoring (VAM) connects “students to alumni in long-term, one-on-one mentoring relationships for career guidance, advice, and advocacy”
University Career Services (UCS) has a number of valuable tools available on their website
The Hoos Career Guide is an “All-in-one career guide covering topics from the job search, to building connections, to interviewing and navigating the transition”
What Can I Do With This Major is a tool that connects majors to careers. “Learn about relevant employers and industries, and find out how to market your academic skills.”
You can also contact Kate Melton at the University of Virginia Career Center for advice: her office hours are 3:00-5:00pm Mondays at Open Grounds.
The English Department has its own LinkedIn group, enabling students to network with English alumni and discover more about possible career paths, which you can join here.
To stay updated on all future professional and networking events, be sure to follow the English Department on and