MA Concentration in Teaching Literature and Writing
MA Concentration in Teaching Literature and Writing
Students admitted to the MA Concentration in Teaching Literature and Writing receive in their second year a tuition waiver, coverage of all associated fees, one-person health insurance, and a stipend of $12,240 in exchange for teaching one course per semester. Designed to prepare students for a wide range of career opportunities — whether in a university setting by way of a doctoral program or in independent high schools and community colleges — this concentration offers students an opportunity to gain some teaching experience alongside the chance to write a thesis. Students take courses in literature, theory, criticism, and writing and rhetoric during their first year, along with two seminars—one focused on teaching literature, the other on teaching writing—that prepare them to lead their own classrooms.
In the second year, while researching and writing the thesis, MA students teach their own section of first-year writing (but in some circumstances may serve as teaching assistants for literature courses). Research projects for the thesis may include any topic the student would like to explore in literature, writing and rhetoric, or pedagogy, in concert with advice from the thesis director.
Program Requirements:
In tandem with the standard requirements for the master’s degree, students are expected to complete the graduate pedagogy seminar (ENGL 8900), one course in literary pedagogy (ENGL 5900 or an approved equivalent), and a thesis focused on a pedagogical, literary, or rhetorical topic approved by their thesis director.
In addition, students are expected in their second year to complete a two-semester appointment as a graduate teaching assistant assigned to teach one section of first-year writing per term.
Typical Enrollment and Teaching Pattern:
First Year:
Fall: ENGL 8800: Intro to Research Methods
3 additional graduate English courses
Spring: ENGL 8900: Pedagogy Seminar (Writing)
2-3 additional graduate English courses
Second Year:
Fall: 1 Course in Literary Pedagogy (ENGL 5900 or an approved equivalent)
1 additional Graduate English Course
NTR courses as needed to raise credit hours to 12
Teaching assignment: 1 section of ENWR or 1 Literature Discussion Section
Spring: MA Thesis (ENGL 8998) (MA Thesis guidelines)
Optional additional Graduate English Course
NTR courses as needed to raise credit hours to 12
Teaching assignment: 1 section of ENWR or 1 Literature Discussion Section
For further information, please contact English Graduate Admissions.