Victor Luftig
20th and 21st Century Literature (Irish and English); education of K-12 teachers; writing and rhetoric
Office Address/Hours
338A Bryan Hall / www.virginia.edu/cla / On leave Fall 2024
Ph.D. Stanford, 1988
M.A. Johns Hopkins, 1983
B.A. Colgate University, 1981
M.A. Johns Hopkins, 1983
B.A. Colgate University, 1981
Joyce and the Subject of History, University of Michigan Press, 1996
Seeing Together, Stanford University Press, 1993
Selected Articles
- “In the Splinters of the Thunderbolt,” in eds. Siobhan Hutson, Alan Hayes, and Nessa O’Mahony, Days of Clear Light: A Festschrift in Honour of Jessie Lendennie and in Celebration of 40 Years of Salmon Poetry (Arlen, 2020).
- “Jude and Sue: ‘True Comrades,’” excerpt from Seeing Together (above), re-printed in Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure, Norton Critical Edition, 2016
- "Raising the Bar: K-8,"in Composition(s) in the New Liberal Arts, eds. Joanna Castner and James Inman (Hampton, 2009).
- "Power All the Way: Poetry, Presidents, and the Centre," UCG Women's Studies Review (Galway, Ireland), Volume Three, 1995, excerpted in Women Emerging, A Decade of Irish Feminist Scholarship, eds. R. Pelan and A. Hayes (National University of Ireland at Galway, 2005).
- "Poetry, Casuality, and an Irish Ceasefire," The Peace Review, June 2001.
- "Literary Tourism and Dublin's Joyce," in Joyce and the Subject of History, 1996 (above), originally printed as "'A Standard of Service and Sophistication': Joyce and the Tourism Trap," James Joyce Quarterly, Summer 1991,and reprinted in The Irish Review (Belfast), Winter 1991-1992 and Magyar Lettre Internationale, 1996-1997
Selected Book Reviews
- Filthy Material: Modernism & the Media of Obscenity, for James Joyce Literary Supplement, Spring 2020.
- Rethinking Joyce’s “Dubliners,” eds. Claire A. Culleton and Ellen Scheible, for James Joyce Quarterly, January 2017.
- Bloomsday 100: Essays on “Ulysses,” eds. Morris Beja and Anne Fogerty, for James Joyce Quarterly, Volume 47, No. 2, Winter 2010
- Critical Companion to James Joyce: A Literary Reference to his Life and Work by Nichaols Fargnoli and Michael Patrick Gillespie, for James Joyce Literary Supplement, Volume 22, Number 1, Spring 2008
- The Marriage Paradox: Modernist Novels and the Cultural Imperative by Davida Pines, for Modernism/Modernity, Volume 14, No. 2, 2007
- Irish Poetry and the Construction of Modern Identity by Stan Smith, for Irish Studies Review, Volume 15, No. 1, 2007
- “Charlottesville After ‘Charlottesville,’” Denver Center for Humanistic Inquiry, April 2018.
- “Yeats’s Prayer for the Endangered Child,” Modernist Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, November 2015
- "Living With Some Poems by W.B. Yeats," workshop, Bread Loaf School of English, July 2014
- "A History of Evidence: Why a Teacher's Own Experiences Should Count," Celebration of Success conference, Abingdon, VA, July 2014
- “A New Modernist Classroom?,” roundtable co-organized with John Whittier-Ferguson, Modernist Studies Association conference, Nashville, November 2008.
- Major forum on "Teachers for a New Era," American Association for College Teachers of Education annual conference, New York City, February 2007
- Chair, "Beckett at 100 and Irish Writing," Modern Language Association Convention, December 2006
- "Teacher Quality and Induction," "Preparing Today's Leaders for Tomorrow's High Schools" conference, Alliance for Excellent Education, Washington, DC, October 2004
- "The Laureateship as Political Capital," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies conference, Fairfax, Va., April 2002
Other Positions Held
- Academic Coordinator for Semester at Sea, University of Virginia, 2013-2016, and Academic Dean for Spring 2012 and Spring 2016 voyages
- Faculty member, Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 1993-1996, 1997-2011, 2013.
- Associate Professor of English and Director of University Writing, Brandeis University, 1994-1999.
- Assistant Professor of English, Yale University, 1988-94; Co-Director, Bass Writing Program, 1989-1992, 1993-1994.
Committees and Consultancies
- Faculty board member, Global Development Studies program, UVa.
- Executive Committee, Anglo-Irish Literature Discussion Group, Modern Language Association, 2004-2007, Chair, 2006
- Test Development Committee, Advanced Placement Exam, English Literature and Composition and English Language and Composition, Educational Testing Service, 1995-1998
Awards, fellowships, additional recognition
- Commencement speaker, Bread Loaf School of English, Lincoln College, Oxford, 2011
- Robert Frost Chair, Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 2009
- Commencement speaker, Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College, 2003
- Marino Chair, Bread Loaf School of English, 1998