Poetry and Poetics


Brad Pasanek is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies. He is the author of Metaphors of Mind, A Dictionary, published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 2015. His overlapping areas of study include eighteenth-century literature, the digital humanities, and poetry and poetics. His research, teaching, and advising focus on literary form and intellectual history, with a developing interest in critical making and fabrication (laser cutters and 3D printing). He's at work on a new book about Josephine Miles and the pre-digital digital humanities.



Ph.D. Yale 1983
M.A. Cambridge 1978
B.A. Yale 1976


Petronius’ Satyrica, University of California Press, 1996

Edited Works

The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vols. 3/2 (last third) and 15 = More's controversy with Germain de Brie (Brixius); In Defense of Humanism (humanist letter-essays); and The History of King Richard III, Yale University Press, 1986


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