Sarah Richardson
Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Writing and Rhetoric Program
Office Address/Hours
T/TH 12:30-1:30pm, online Wednesday 3-4, and by appointment
Class Schedule
TR 9:30-10:45, 11:00-12:15, 2:00-3:15
B.A English, Stetson University 2016
M.A Writing, Rhetoric, and Media, Clemson University 2018
Ph.D Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design, Clemson University 2023
Research Interests:
Rhetorics of Public Memory; Death Rhetorics; Cultural Rhetorics; Material Practices; Feminist Theory; Community Engagement
Selected Publications:
“Reconsidering Expertise: Possibilities for Distributed Expertise and Horizontal Mentoring in Writing Pedagogy Education.” Accepted for (Un)commonplaces in Graduate Teaching Assistantship Training & Experiences, edited by Zachary T. Singletary, Ti Macklin, Tracy Ann Morse, Heidi Estrem. (with Megan Eatman, Jacob Richter, and Hannah Taylor)
“After the Ink Dried but Before History was a Woman’s.” Peitho vol. 22, no. 3, Spring 2020
Selected Presentations:
“Teaching Service Learning: Community Engagement with Material Rhetorics and Cemetery Preservation.” Historic Cemeteries in Cultural Contexts: Local to Global Research Symposium. Clemson, SC, 2022.
“Precarious Femicides: Rhetorical Assemblages of Raced and Gendered Violences.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Baltimore, MD, May 2022.
“Writing through Imagery: Photographic Engagement in Rhetoric and Composition.” Conference on College, Composition, and Communication. Spokane, WA, 2021, presented virtually.
“Creative Heuristics: A Cascading Invention-Based Model for Learning in Digital Composition Environments.” Computers & Writing Conference. East Lansing, MI, 2019.
“Mirroring Life: Death: A Lens in which to View Identity in Rhetorical Spaces.” Conference on College, Composition, and Communication: Research Forum. Pittsburgh, PA, 2019.
“Excavating Identities: Re-Memorializing Forgotten Graves with Digital Spaces.” New Voices. Atlanta, GA, 2019.