

Ph.D., English (Rhetoric and Composition), Texas Christian University, 2018
M.F.A., Creative Writing (Nonfiction), University of South Carolina, 2011
M.A., English (Literature), Baylor University, 2006

Research Interests

editorial theories and practices; Writing Across the Curriculum and professional/public writing; writing pedagogies; digital humanities

Selected Publications

“Rhetorical Decipherment and Its Archaeological Implications for the Recovery of Women in the History of Rhetoric: A Note on the Bronze Age Women of Linear B from Pylos.” Co-authored with Richard Enos and Natasha Robinson. Journal for the History of Rhetoric (Mar. 2020).
“Going Professional: Writing Centers’ Challenges and Possibilities in Working with Emerging Online Professional Graduate Student Programs.” WLN Journal. (Mar./April 2019).
“I Will Not Edit Your Paper. (Will I?): Tutoring and/or Editing in the Writing Center.” WLN Journal. (Jan./Feb. 2019). 
“Scholarship as Literature? Poetic Resonances and Boundaries in Scholarly Publications.” South Atlantic Review (Mar. 2017). 
Review of Francesca Martelli’s Ovid’s Revisions: The Editor as Author. In Scholarly Editing (2016).
Review of Frank Bryce McCluskey’s and Melanie Lynn Winter’s The Idea of the Digital University. In Computers and Composition Online (Fall 2015-Spring 2016).

Recent Presentations

“How Nursing Faculty Teach Writing: A Multi-Year Project to Embed WAC across a BSN Curriculum.” Co-leading with T. Kenny Fountain and Ashley Hurst, University of Virginia. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Clemson, SC; June 2023.
“Quick Fix or Long-Term Vision: Hoping for WAC in an Age of Austerity.” Co-led with Jim Seitz and T. Kenny Fountain, University of Virginia. Conference on College Composition & Communication. Chicago, IL; Feb. 2023.
“Workshop: Teaching Writing with Your Local Archives: Designing Archival Writing Courses to Improve Student Access, Citizenship, and Representation.” Co-leading with Vanessa Rouillion, James Madison University. Conference on College Composition & Communication. Chicago, IL; Mar. 2022.
“Documenting Disruption: Editor-Author Vision, Shifting Control, and Textual Multiplicity.” Modern Language Association; Washington, DC; January 2021.
“Bibliography+: Revitalizing Textual Studies for the 21st Century.” South Central Modern Language Association; Houston, TX; October, 2021.
“The Persistence of Textual Studies.” Chair’s opening/closing comments for panel presentation on Bibliography and Textual Studies. South Central Modern Language Association. Little Rock, AR; October 2019.
“Where Texts Come From: Recovering Editorial Theory and Praxis to Enrich Literary and Textual Scholarship.” Modern Language Association; Chicago, IL; January 2019. 
“Editing to Promote Student Ownership and Originality: How Developmental, Substantive, and Copy Editing Can Empower Student Writers.” Conference on College Composition & Communication. Kansas City, MO; March 2018.
"Editing Texts in the Digital Age: Rhetorical Heuristics for Editing the Layered Digital Book." Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Victoria, BC; June 2017.
“Revelations of Shifting Editorial Praxis: Editing Cicero across History, Geography, and Technology.” South Central Modern Language Association. Dallas, TX; November 2016.
“Editing Texts to Edit Culture: The Rhetorical Action of Ancient Editorial Practices.” South Central Modern Language Association. Nashville, TN; November 2015.
“Manuscripts and Multiplicities: Contemporary Editorial Curation as Rhetorical Action.” Western States Rhetoric and Literacy. Tempe, AZ; October 2015.
“Writing Nonfiction, with Style.” Chair’s opening/closing comments for panel presentation on Advanced Writing. South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Atlanta, GA; November 2014.
“Speaking Ourselves Whole: How Gay Christian Young Adults are Integrating Communities.” Rhetoric Society of America. San Antonio, TX, May 2014.
“Trust Me with Your Life: Considering Contemporary Rhetorical Strategies in Telling Others’ Stories.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association.  Atlanta, GA; November 2013.

Editorial Activity

In addition to scholarship and teaching, I have worked in book editing for more than fifteen years. I specialize in developmental and substantive editing of academic and professional nonfiction. My editing informs and improves my teaching and scholarship; editorial work challenges me to be conversant beyond my own field and to continually test theories against real-world applications.
First Name: 
Assistant Professor, General Faculty; Director of Writing Across the Curriculum
Computing ID: 
Office Address: 
Bryan Hall 322-A
Class Schedule: 
MWF 11-11:50, 12-12:50
Office Hours: 
WF 9:30-11, and by appointment
Area Field(s):