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Poetry and the Built Environment: A Theory of the Flesh of Art
Elizabeth Fowler
Oxford University Press (2024)
Cross-Cultural Harlem: Reimagining Race and Place
Sandhya Shukla
Columbia University Press (2024)
Villa E
Jane Alison
Liveright (2024)
Byron: A Life in Ten Letters
Andrew Stauffer
Cambridge University Press (2024)
Small Pieces
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Dalkey Archive Press (2023)
The Age of Guilt: The Super-Ego in the On-line World
Mark Edmundson
Yale University Press (2023)
The Garden Politic: Global Plants and Botanical Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century America
Mary Kuhn
NYU Press (2023)
Irene Albar. Novela cubana (1885, 1886) por Eusebio Guiteras. Edición facsimilar
Carmen Lamas
Editorial Calambur (2023)
Bright: A Memoir
Kiki Petrosino
Sarabande Books (2022)
Elusive Kinship: Disability and Human Rights in Postcolonial Literature
Christopher Krentz
Temple University Press (2022)
On Not Knowing: How to Love and Other Essays
Emily Ogden
The University of Chicago Press (2022)
Paradise Close
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2022)
Sissy Insurgencies: A Racial Anatomy of Unfit Manliness
Marlon Ross
Duke University Press (2022)
Song of Ourselves: Walt Whitman and the Fight for Democracy
Mark Edmundson
Harvard University Press (2021)
The Latino Continuum and the Nineteenth-Century Americas: Literature, Translation and Historiography
Carmen Lamas
Oxford University Press (2021)
Book Traces : Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library
Andrew Stauffer
University of Pennsylvania Press (2021)
Madrigalia: New & Selected Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2021)
Cambridge Companion to 21st Century American Fiction
Joshua Miller
Cambridge University Press (2021)
Civil War Witnesses and Their Books: New Perspectives on Iconic Works
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (2021)
The Generals' Civil War: What Their Memoirs Can Teach Us Today
Stephen Cushman
University of North Carolina Press (2021)
Playlist for the Apocalypse
Rita Dove
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2021)
The Cambridge History of World Literature
Debjani Ganguly
Cambridge University Press (2021)
The Fetters of Rhyme: Liberty and Poetic Form in Early Modern England
Rebecca Rush
Princeton University Press (2021)
Best New Poets 2020: 50 Poems from Emerging Writers
James (Jeb) Livingood
University of Virginia Press (2020)
Poetry in a Global Age
Jahan Ramazani
University of Chicago Press (2020)
More Truly and More Strange: 100 Contemporary Self-Portrait Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2020)
The New American
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Simon & Schuster (2020)
White Blood: A Lyric of Virginia
Kiki Petrosino
Sarabande (2020)
Writing Democracy: The Political Turn in and Beyond the Trump Era
Stephen Parks
Routledge (2019)
The Gifted School
Bruce Holsinger
Penguin Random House/Riverhead (2019)
Doomstead Days
Brian Teare
Nightboat Books (2019)
Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative
Jane Alison
Catapult (2019)
Civil War Writing: New Perspectives on Iconic Texts
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (2019)
Grammars of Approach: Landscape, Narrative, and the Linguistic Picturesque
Cynthia Wall
University of Chicago Press (2019)
David Jones on Religion, Politics, and Culture: Unpublished Prose
Thomas Berenato
Bloomsbury (2018)
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Edited with Stephen Greenblatt et al
Katharine Maus
New York; W. W. Norton (2018)
Realist Critiques of Visual Culture: From Hardy to Barnes
Edward Barnaby
Palgrave Macmillan (2018)
Hothead: A Poem
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (2018)
Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism
Emily Ogden
University of Chicago Press, 2018 (2018)
Interacting with Print: Elements of Reading in the Era of Print Saturation
Andrew Stauffer
University of Chicago Press (2018)
Race Matters, Animal Matters: Fugitive Humanism in African America, 1840-1930
Kaitlyn Johnson
Routledge (2018)
The Heart of the Humanities: Reading, Writing, Teaching
Mark Edmundson
Bloomsbury Press (2018)
Sounding Composition: Multimodal Pedagogies for Embodied Listening
Steph Ceraso
University of Pittsburgh Press (2018)
The Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2017
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2018)
The Humanities and Everyday Life
Michael Levenson
Oxford University Press (2017)
The Eighteenth Centuries: Global Networks of Enlightenment
Cynthia Wall
University of Virginia Press (2017)
Witch Wife
Kiki Petrosino
Sarabande (2017)
The Brick House
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Awst Press (2017)
The Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2015-2016
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2017)
Orexia: Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2017)
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry
Jahan Ramazani
Cambridge University Press (2017)
Critique and Postcritique
Rita Felski
Duke University Press (2017)
Extreme Domesticity
Susan Fraiman
Columbia UP (2017)
Writing Communities
Stephen Parks
Bedford/St. Martin's (2016)
Homes and Haunts: Touring Writers' Shrines and Countries
Alison Booth
Oxford University Press (2016)
Nine Island
Jane Alison
Catapult (2016)
Why Write? : A Master Class in the Art of Writing and Why It Matters
Mark Edmundson
Bloomsbury Publishing (2016)
The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms
Stephen Cushman
Princeton University Press (2016)
Rhetorical Healing: The Reeducation of Contemporary Black Womanhood
Tamika L. Carey
SUNY Press (2016)
The Princeton Handbook of World Poetries
Stephen Cushman
Princeton University Press (2016)
This Thing Called the World
Debjani Ganguly
Duke University Press (2016)
Collected Poems: 1974-2004
Rita Dove
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2016)
Languages of Jewish Cultures: Comparative Perspectives
Joshua Miller
University of Michigan Press (2016)
Shantytown, U.S.A.: Forgotten Landscapes of the Working Poor
Lisa Goff
Harvard University Press (2016)
The Best of the Independent Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2014
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2016)
Literature Incorporated: The Cultural Unconscious of the Business Corporation, 1650-1850
John O'Brien
University of Chicago Press (2016)
Monticello in Mind: Fifty Contemporary Poets on Jefferson
Lisa Russ Spaar
University of Virginia Press (2016)
Night Sky Frequencies and Selected Poems
Debra Nystrom
Sheep Meadow Press (2016)
The Limits of Critique
Rita Felski
University of Chicago Press (2015)
Hlóþwíg Carroll : Æðelgýðe Ellendǽda on Wundorlande, trans.
Peter Baker
Portlaoise, Ireland: Evertype (2015)
Song: special issue of NLH
Jahan Ramazani
Johns Hopkins University Press (2015)
Song: special issue of NLH
Herbert Tucker
Johns Hopkins University Press (2015)
The Norton Shakespeare (Third Edition)
Katharine Maus
W.W. Norton & Company (2015)
Metaphors of Mind : An Eighteenth-Century Dictionary
Brad Pasanek
Johns Hopkins University Press (2015)
Virtual Victorians: Networks, Connections, Technologies
Andrew Stauffer
Palgrave Macmillan (2015)
The Invention of Fire
Bruce Holsinger
HarperCollins/William Morrow (2015)
The Best of the Independent Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2013
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2015)
Self and Soul: A Defense of Ideals
Mark Edmundson
Harvard University Press (2015)
Cambridge Companion to the American Modernist Novel
Joshua Miller
Cambridge University Press (2015)
The Empty Form Goes All the Way to Heaven
Brian Teare
Ahsahta Press (2015)
A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture
Herbert Tucker
Wiley-Blackwell (2014)
Belligerent Muse : Five Northern Writers and How They Shaped Our Understanding of the Civil War
Stephen Cushman
University of North Carolina Press (2014)
Change Me : Stories of Sexual Transformation from Ovid
Jane Alison
Oxford University Press (2014)
The Red List : A Poem
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (2014)
Why Football Matters : My Education in the Game
Mark Edmundson
Penguin Press (2014)
The Unsettlement of America : Translation, Interpretation, and the Story of Don Luis de Velasco, 1560-1945
Anna Brickhouse
Oxford University Press (2014)
In Stereotype : South Asia in the Global Literary Imaginary
Mrinalini Chakravorty
Columbia University Press (2014)
The Silent History
Kevin Moffett
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2014)
Rhetoric in the Flesh: Trained Vision, Technical Expertise, and the Gross Anatomy Lab
T. Kenny Fountain
Routledge (2014)
The Best of the Independent Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2012
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2014)
A Burnable Book
Bruce Holsinger
HarperCollins/William Morrow (2014)
Why Teach? In Defense of a Real Education
Mark Edmundson
Bloomsbury Publishing (2013)
The Punitive Turn : New Approaches to Race and Incarceration
Deborah McDowell
University of Virginia Press (2013)
A Brief History of Yes
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Dalkey Archive Press (2013)
Hymn for the Black Terrific
Kiki Petrosino
Sarabande (2013)
Companion Grasses
Brian Teare
Omnidawn Publishing (2013)
Class Politics: The Movement for the Students' Right to Their Own Language (Refiguring English Studies)
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2013)
The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals, 2011
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2013)
Being and Having in Shakespeare
Katharine Maus
Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press (2013)
Honour, Exchange and Violence in Beowulf
Peter Baker
Woodbridge, Sussex: D.S. Brewer (2013)
Poetry and Its Others : News, Prayer, Song, and the Dialogue of Genres
Jahan Ramazani
University of Chicago Press (2013)
The Hide-and-Seek Muse: Annotations of Contemporary Poetry
Lisa Russ Spaar
Drunken Boat Media (2013)
The Penguin Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Poetry (paperback edition)
Rita Dove
Penguin (2013)
Experimental Writing in Composition : Aesthetics and Pedagogies
John Sullivan
University of Pittsburgh Press (2012)
In the Mood: Special Issue of New Literary History
Rita Felski
The Johns Hopkins University Press (2012)
In the Mood: Special Issue of New Literary History
Susan Fraiman
The Johns Hopkins University Press (2012)
Further Interpretations of Real-Life Events
Kevin Moffett
Harper Perennial (2012)
Introduction to Old English
Peter Baker
Wiley-Blackwell (2012)
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 8th and 9th eds.
Jahan Ramazani
W. W. Norton & Co. (2012)
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (Fourth Edition)
Stephen Cushman
Princeton University Press (2012)
Vanitas, Rough : Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2012)
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (2011)
Michael Levenson
Yale University Press (2011)
The Genius of Democracy : Fictions of Gender and Citizenship in the United States
Victoria Olwell
Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press (2011)
Circulating Communities: The Tactics and Strategies of Community Publishing
Stephen Parks
Lexington Books (2011)
Evening Primrose : Selected Poems
Rita Dove
Tunheim Santrizos Co. (2011)
Teaching with the Norton Anthology of English Literature : A Guide for Instructors
Elizabeth Fowler
with Sondra Archimedes, Laura Runge, and Philip Schwyzer, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2011)
Listening to Our Elders: Working and Writing for Change
Stephen Parks
Utah State University Press (2011)
The Penguin Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Poetry
Rita Dove
Penguin (2011)
The Best of Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals, 2010
Stephen Parks
Parlor Press (2011)
Accented America: The Cultural Politics of Multilingual Modernism
Joshua Miller
Oxford University Press (2011)
Best New Poets 2010
James (Jeb) Livingood
University of Virginia Press (2010)
Brian Teare
Ahsahta Press (2010)
The Knowing Most Worth Doing: Essays on Pluralism, Ethics, and Religion
Walter Jost
University of Virginia Press (2010)
The Republic of Letters: Working Class Writing and Local Publishing
Stephen Parks
Syracuse University Press (2010)
Gravyland: Writing Beyond the Curriculum in the City of Brotherly Love
Stephen Parks
Syracuse University Press (2010)
The Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Literature: co-edited with Garry Hagberg
Walter Jost
Blackwell Publishers (2010)
The Fine Wisdom and Perfect Teachings of the Kings of Rock and Roll
Mark Edmundson
HarperCollins (2010)
A Transnational Poetics
Jahan Ramazani
Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2009)
Sonata Mulattica
Rita Dove
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2009)
Stevenson and Conrad (co-edited with Linda Dryden and Eric Massie)
Stephen Arata
Texas Tech University Press (2009)
The Interethnic Imagination: Roots and Passages in Contemporary Asian American Fiction
Caroline Rody
Oxford University Press (2009)
The Sisters Antipodes (memoir)
Jane Alison
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2009)
Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England, 1550-1700 Volume 4 Mary Wroth: Edited by Clare R. Kinney
Clare Kinney
Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, VT: Ashgate (2009)
Fort Red Border
Kiki Petrosino
Sarabande (2009)
Bad River Road
Debra Nystrom
Sarabande Books (2009)
Sight Map
Brian Teare
University of California Press (2009)
Satin Cash: Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2008)
Uses of Literature
Rita Felski
Wiley-Blackwell (2008)
Caste and Dalit Lifeworlds: Postcolonial Perspectives
Debjani Ganguly
Orient Longman (2008)
The Pilgrim's Progress: Editor, the Norton Critical Edition of John Bunyan
Cynthia Wall
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2008)
The Mirror in the Well
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Dalkey Archive Press (2008)
The Death of Sigmund Freud: Fascism, Psychoanalysis and the Rise of Fundamentalism
Mark Edmundson
Bloomsbury Publishing (2008)
Draining the Sea
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Riverhead Books (2008)
All That Mighty Heart: London Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
University of Virginia Press (2008)
Comparison: Theories, Approaches, Uses
Rita Felski
Johns Hopkins University Press (2008)
Embodying American Slavery in Contemporary Culture: A unique study of slavery reenactments and performances in African American literature and culture
Lisa Woolfork
University of Illinois Press (2008)
Epic: Britain's Heroic Muse 1790-1910
Herbert Tucker
Oxford (2008)
H.G. Wells The Time Machine: Edited by Stephen Arata
Stephen Arata
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2008)
Rethinking Tragedy
Rita Felski
Johns Hopkins University Press (2008)
Rethinking Gandhi and Nonviolent Relationality: Global Perspectives
Debjani Ganguly
Routledge (2007)
Edward Said: The Legacy of a Public Intellectual
Debjani Ganguly
Melbourne University Press (2007)
The Project of Prose in Early Modern Europe and the New World
Elizabeth Fowler
ed., with Roland Greene, Cambridge University Press, 1997, rpt. (2007)
Imagining Our Americas: Nation, Empire, and Region
Sandhya Shukla
Durham and London: Duke University Press (2007)
Neomedievalism, Neoconservatism, and the War on Terror
Bruce Holsinger
Prickly Paradigm Press: Chicago (2007)
New Grub Street (George Gissing): Edited by Stephen Arata
Stephen Arata
Broadview Press (2007)
Robert Browning's Poetry
Andrew Stauffer
W.W. Norton (2007)
The Aesthetics of Antichrist: From Christian Drama to Christopher Marlowe
John Parker
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press) (2007)
The Death of Sigmund Freud: The Legacy of His Last Days
Mark Edmundson
Bloomsbury Publishing (2007)
Writing Deafness: The Hearing Line in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Christopher Krentz
University of North Carolina Press (2007)
The Prose of Things: Transformations of Description in the Eighteenth Century
Cynthia Wall
University of Chicago Press (2006)
Permanent Visitors
Kevin Moffett
University of Iowa Press (2006)
She: A History of Adventure
Andrew Stauffer
Broadview Press (2006)
Heart Island
Stephen Cushman
David Robert Books (2006)
The Essential Wayne Booth: Edited and with an Introduction by Walter Jost
Walter Jost
University of Chicago Press (2006)
The Land of Wandering: Exquisite History, Volume 1
Lisa Russ Spaar
University of Virginia Press (2005)
The Premodern Condition: Medievalism and the Making of Theory
Bruce Holsinger
University of Chicago Press (2005)
Caste, Colonialism and Counter-Modernity: Notes on a Postcolonial Hermeneutics of Caste
Debjani Ganguly
Routledge (2005)
Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism
Andrew Stauffer
Cambridge University Press (2005)
Concise Companion to the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century
Cynthia Wall
Oxford: Blackwell (2005)
Modernism and the Fate of Individuality
Michael Levenson
Cambridge University Press (2005)
Natives and Exotics: A Novel
Jane Alison
Harcourt (2005)
Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere
Anna Brickhouse
Cambridge University Press (2005)
Harlequin Britain: Pantomime and Entertainment
John O'Brien
John Hopkins University Press (2004)
Manning the Race: Reforming Black Men in the Jim Crow Era
Marlon Ross
New York University Press (2004)
The Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret
John O'Brien
Broadview Press (2004)
Why Read?
Mark Edmundson
Bloomsbury Publishing (2004)
Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism
Walter Jost
University of Virginia Press (2004)
How to Make It as a Woman: Collective Biographical History from Victoria to the Present
Alison Booth
University of Chicago Press (2004)
Northranger Abbey: Norton Critical Edition
Susan Fraiman
Norton (2004)
The Daydreaming Boy
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Riverhead Books (2004)
A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism
Walter Jost
Blackwell Publishers (2004)
American Smooth
Rita Dove
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2004)
Blue Venus: Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Persea Books (2004)
Torn Sky
Debra Nystrom
Sarabande Books (2003)
Cool Men and the Second Sex
Susan Fraiman
Columbia UP (2003)
The Room Where I Was Born
Brian Teare
University of Wisconsin Press (2003)
Teacher: The One Who Made the Difference
Mark Edmundson
Random House (2003)
A Journal of the Plague Year: Editor
Cynthia Wall
London and New York: Penguin Classics (2003)
India Abroad: Diasporic Cultures of Postwar America and England
Sandhya Shukla
Princeton: Princeton University Press (2003)
Literary Character: The Human Figure in Early English Writing
Elizabeth Fowler
Cornell University Press (2003)
Literature after Feminism
Rita Felski
University of Chicago Press (2003)
The Marriage of the Sea: A Novel
Jane Alison
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2003)
The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, 3rd ed.
Jahan Ramazani
W. W. Norton & Co. (2003)
English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology
Katharine Maus
New York: W. W. Norton (2002)
Cussing Lesson
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (2002)
William Morris News from Nowhere
Stephen Arata
Broadview Press (2002)
A Mighty Change: An Anthology of Deaf American Writing 1816-1864
Christopher Krentz
Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press (2002)
The Craft of Argument
Jon D'Errico
Longman (2002)
Eighteenth-Century Genre and Culture: Serious Reflections on Occasional Forms: Essays in Honor of J. Paul Hunter
Cynthia Wall
University of Delaware Press (2001)
Victorian Literature 1830-1900
Herbert Tucker
Harcourt College Publishers (2001)
Three Apples Fell From Heaven
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Riverhead Books (2001)
Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture: Hildegard of Bingen to Chaucer
Bruce Holsinger
Stanford University Press (2001)
The Daughter’s Return: African-American and Caribbean Women's Fictions of History
Caroline Rody
Oxford University Press (2001)
The Hybrid Muse: Postcolonial Poetry in English
Jahan Ramazani
University of Chicago Press (2001)
The Love-Artist: A Novel
Jane Alison
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2001)
Rhetorical Invention and Religious Inquiry: New Perspectives
Walter Jost
Yale University Press (2000)
Doing Time: Feminist Theory and Postmodern Culture
Rita Felski
New York University Press (2000)
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative Edition, vol. 8: MS. F
Peter Baker
D.S. Brewer, Cambridge (2000)
The Best American Poetry 2000
Rita Dove
Scribner (2000)
Bloody Promenade: Reflections on a Civil War Battle
Stephen Cushman
University of Virginia Press (1999)
Acquainted With the Night: Insomnia Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Columbia University Press (1999)
Glass Town: Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Red Hen Press (1999)
Motives for Metaphor: Literacy, Curriculum Reform, and the Teaching of English
James Seitz
University of Pittsburgh Press (1999)
On the Bus with Rosa Parks
Rita Dove
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (1999)
Class Politics: The Movement for the Students' Right to Their Own Language (Refiguring English Studies)
Stephen Parks
National Council of Teachers of English (1999)
The Cambridge Companion to Modernism: Edited by Michael Levenson
Michael Levenson
Cambridge University Press (1999)
Under Criticism: Essays in Honor of William H. Pritchard
Herbert Tucker
Ohio University Press (1998)
Blue Pajamas
Stephen Cushman
Louisiana State University Press (1998)
Leaving Pipe Shop: Memories of Kin
Deborah McDowell
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (1998)
The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia: The First Fifty Years
David Vander Meulen
Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (1998)
The Literary and Cultural Spaces of Restoration London
Cynthia Wall
Cambridge University Press (1998)
The Rape of the Lock
Cynthia Wall
Boston and New York: Bedford Books/St. Martin's Press (1998)
MOSQUITOES [by William Faulkner]: A Facsimile and Transcription of the University of Virginia Holograph Manuscript
David Vander Meulen
With Thomas L. McHaney (Bibliographical Society of UVA and University of Virginia Library) (1997)
Nightmare on Main Street: Angels, Sado-Masochism, and the Culture of Gothic
Mark Edmundson
Harvard University Press (1997)
Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time
Walter Jost
Yale University Press (1997)
The General Correspondence of James Boswell, 1766-1769
Peter Baker
(Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP) (1997)
Fictions of Loss in the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Identity and Empire
Stephen Arata
Cambridge University Press (1996)
Joyce and the Subject of History
Victor Luftig
University of Michigan Press (1996)
Petronius’ Satyrica
J. Daniel Kinney
University of California Press (1996)
Four Revenge Tragedies of the English Renaissance
Katharine Maus
Oxford University Press (1995)
Inwardness and Theater in the English Renaissance
Katharine Maus
University of Chicago Press (1995)
The Gender of Modernity
Rita Felski
Harvard University Press (1995)
"The Changing Same": Black Women's Literature, Criticism, and Theory
Deborah McDowell
Indiana University Press (1995)
The Poet's World
Rita Dove
Library of Congress (1995)
Boredom: The Literary History of a State of Mind
Lisa Russ Spaar
The University of Chicago Press (1995)
Byrhtferth's Enchiridion
Peter Baker
Early English Text Society (1995)
Literature Against Philosophy, Plato to Derrida
Mark Edmundson
Cambridge University Press (1995)
Mother Love: Poems
Rita Dove
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (1995)
Lady Freedom Among Us
Rita Dove
Janus Press (1994)
Poetry of Mourning: The Modern Elegy from Hardy to Heaney
Jahan Ramazani
University of Chicago Press (1994)
The Darker Face of the Earth
Rita Dove
Story Line Press (1994)
Seeing Together: Friendship Between the Sexes in English Writing, from Mill to Woolf
Victor Luftig
Stanford University Press (1993)
Wild Orchids and Trotsky: Messages from American Universities
Mark Edmundson
Penguin (1993)
Selected Poems
Rita Dove
Pantheon/Vintage (1993)
Samuel Johnson’s Translation of Sallust
David Vander Meulen
With G. Thomas Tanselle (The Johnsonians and Bibliographical Society of UVA) (1993)
Unbecoming Women: British Women Writers and the Novel of Development
Susan Fraiman
Columbia UP (1993)
Critical Essays on Alfred Lord Tennyson
Herbert Tucker
G. K. Hall & Company (1993)
Fictions of Form in American Poetry
Stephen Cushman
Princeton University Press (1993)
Through the Ivory Gate
Rita Dove
Pantheon Books (1992)
Strategies of Poetic Narrative: Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Eliot
Clare Kinney
Cambridge University Press (1992)
Greatness Engendered: George Eliot and Virginia Woolf
Alison Booth
Cornell University Press (1992)
A Quarter Turn
Debra Nystrom
Sheep Meadow Press (1991)
Pope’s DUNCIAD of 1728: A History and Facsimile
David Vander Meulen
(Bibliographical Society of UVA and The New York Public Library) (1991)
Towards Reading Freud: Self-Creation in Milton, Wordsworth, Emerson, and Sigmund
Mark Edmundson
Princeton University Press (1990)
Yeats and the Poetry of Death: Elegy, Self-Elegy, and the Sublime
Jahan Ramazani
Yale University Press (1990)
The Contours of Masculine Desire: Romanticism and the Rise of Women's Poetry
Marlon Ross
Oxford University Press (1989)
Blind Boy on Skates: Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar
Trilobite Chapbooks of the University of Northern Texas Press (1989)
Rhetorical Thought in John Henry Newman
Walter Jost
University of South Carolina Press (1989)
Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Feminist Literature and Social Change
Rita Felski
Harvard University Press (1989)
Grace Notes
Rita Dove
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (1989)
Tennyson and the Doom of Romanticism
Herbert Tucker
Harvard University Press (1988)
Where Angels Fear to Tread: Descriptive Bibliography and Alexander Pope
David Vander Meulen
Library of Congress (1988)
A Genealogy of Modernism: A Study of English Literary Doctrine, 1908-1922
Michael Levenson
Cambridge University Press (1986)
Thomas and Beulah
Rita Dove
Carnegie-Mellon University Press (1986)
Ben Jonson and the Roman Frame of Mind
Katharine Maus
Princeton University Press (1985)
William Carlos Williams and the Meaning of Measure
Stephen Cushman
Yale University Press (1985)
Fifth Sunday
Rita Dove
Callaloo Fiction Series (1985)
Lisa Russ Spaar
Alderman Press (1983)
Rita Dove
Carnegie-Mellon University Press (1983)
Browning's Beginnings: The Art of Disclosure
Herbert Tucker
Minnesota (1981)
The Yellow House on the Corner
Rita Dove
Carnegie-Mellon University Press (1980)