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Blind Boy on Skates: Poems

Trilobite Chapbooks of the University of Northern Texas Press (1989)
Rhetorical Thought in John Henry Newman
University of South Carolina Press (1989)
Grace Notes
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (1989)
Tennyson and the Doom of Romanticism
Harvard University Press (1988)

The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vols. 3/2 (last third) and 15 = More's controversy with Germain de Brie (Brixius); In Defense of Humanism (humanist letter-essays); and The History of King Richard III

Yale University Press (1986)
Thomas and Beulah
Carnegie-Mellon University Press (1986)
Ben Jonson and the Roman Frame of Mind
Princeton University Press (1985)
